Having never taken prescription pain killers for anything ever, I was not prepared for the insane dreams they would provide. The sheer ridiculousness of them are pure renditions of Alice in Wonderland!
I woke up in a daze Saturday morning. Here's what happened:
I was Taylor Swift and Husby and I were house hunting. For a boat. Not a house boat. Just a boat. To live on. Or in whatever. So we go look at this one boat and I'm all concerned about the curls in my hair. Seriously.
We step into the boat and although it is small on the outside, it does this warped Mary Poppins thing and is ginormous on the inside. We go into the presumed bedroom of the boat and find like 9 baby cribs. All with blue pillows. And the realtor tells us the seller is a business woman who is also a single mom. Apparently Husby and I have no children at this point and it freaks me out so we leave.
I take my own space ship car- can you just imagine how crazy real this is to me?!- to Whole Foods which is connected to some posh shoe store. I find a $300 pair of sandals made of shiny string and pony beads. Clearly I had found a bargain. Then I try to hide the receipt so Husby wont flip and head home to the crazy house we shared with like 15 other people. But in a good way. Like the Brady Bunch or something.
There are other weird details that I can't really remember. Like we lived in Chicago. My space ship car was pink. And I couldn't carry a tune to save my life.
I'm sticking to Aleve for now. No more crazy woman pain killers. I flushed them before I had another insane dream. I can only imagine who I would be.
Sweet dreams!
Xoxo Summer
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