Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Snail's Tail

Who knew gardening could be deadly?  I saw an article this morning (click here for article) and I had to do a double take.  "Deadly giant snail found in Houston."  That's just one state away people!!!  They leave slimy yuck behind that is literally meningitis.  What fun!  GAG.  Then I look at the picture more closely.  The idiot holding the things isn't wearing any sort of protection AT ALL.  Don't come hang out with me, Mr. Miracle Grow!  Pretty sure your green thumb will be GANG GREEN...

Apparently these cuddly creatures can lay up to 100 eggs a month.  Seriously people.  I'm hyperventilating as we speak.  Where do these fun party favors come from?? And who do you call if you so gracefully land on one in your backyard? 911?? "911-what is your emergency?" "I have a snail the size of a wombat in my yard!!"  Freak.  Me.  Out.

What other disturbing hings exist in nature? Are there soul sucking spiders? Man eating moths??  Why can't we have positive pests?? Bugs that make cellulite go away or reptiles who give you glamorous hair??  Or bugs that taste like chocolate ice cream and promote happiness!!!

Shivering in my gardening gloves,
xoxo Summer

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