This wanker. Who posts random weird crap on a nice car??? My favorite is the bottom one:" WWJD? Not tail gate." Ironically his top speed in his COROLLA was a whopping 9 MPH and tailgating isn't the word I would describe my reaction to being stuck behind this creep...more like bumper punching...

Had meetings at school this week so our ah-mazing 2nd momma baby sitter, Jessi, had the kiddos. I told Turtle to SMILE! and this is what I got. SWOON!

Husby has been busting his behind helping our good friends build a retaining wall in their back yard. Bless his heart he wore a white undershirt and forgot sunscreen...needless to say he has quite a redneck tan line. THEN, the next day he didn't wear a shirt at all and attempted to put on sunscreen by himself....let's just say it looks like a blind, armless, stoned armadillo applied SPF 50 to his back...hysterical! I told him to be positive, at least only 1/3 of his back will avoid skin cancer....

You know you've hit 'Hollywood' when small town Moore and Shawnee make the Today show. Al Roker was some what amusing to me, trying to stumble thru rubble and act like he knew how Oklahoman's handle twisters. Dude, Toby Keith said it best. "We've been hit before. This one was just a bad one. We will be ok."

Look close. That's right. I'm walking a weenie dog..and a cat. I was taking Bentley for a walk (over a mile trek!). I was 1/4 into our little adventure when I heard an Elmo sneeze (bless his heart, he has allergies...Husby tells me he is allergic to himself...) Elmo literally followed right beside me and the dog for the whole mile. It's safe to say our neighbors officially think I'm nuts.

Saw this at Mardels yesterday. I ordered it on Amazon. Pretty sure several people have bets on how long it actually will take for me to learn to 'think first and then speak'.

Yesterday evening was spent lounging in the sun with my sweet neighbor and her kiddos. She has three boys (OMG!) and they ah-dore Bee! The oldest carries her around and is her body guard. Here he is taking her for a spin on his bike trike thing?! (Apparently I really need to clue in on boy's toys...Turtle just plays with Bee's dolls and necklaces....uh oh...) Anyways he let Bee steer the bike for a while and she was on cloud 9!

Turtle giving Cadillac a snuggle :)

Peanut butter is gross when it covers 94% of one's body. Trust me, I will most definitely think twice before giving Bee a banana and peanut butter for dessert again!

Bestie Houston sent me this tonight. No words. I lie. Maybe 2. Pure elation.
Sorry for the absenteeism in the past few days. Life has been cah-raaaazy round these parts. I promise to try harder!
XOXO Summer
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