Shut the front door ignorance. These things are refreshingly ridiculous.
Ayds Diet Candy Pronounced just like AIDS. Like the autoimmune disease. "Here Honey! I got Ayds at QuickTrip today. Want some?" Then the smart wankers changed the name to Diet Ayds. Yeah, that makes it less offensive and more appealing! I wonder how long that special candy lasted on the market in the 80's...
I want to meet the complete moron who spends FIFTEEN minutes concocting this 'fish carrot stick' snack. Clearly who ever designed this does not have a toddler. My children would chunk this pretty plate across the room in 3 seconds. And it consists of two carrot sticks and a few sprigs of whatever else. That would not fill up a regular kid.
Want to scar your child for life? Do THIS.

This is a personal shout out to Bestie T. Let's take a moment of silence to pray for Fat Mantha. Bestie corners her and talks to her in the freakiest voice ever. And holds her hostage on the couch. And all the poor dog can do is shake and accept it. HA!
This house may or may not be in my neighborhood. And I may or may not pass by it every night when I run. But it is DEFINITELY turquoise blue. Gag.
You can just go ahead and reserve a room in the ER for this poor girl. And anyone else naive enough to do this.
Happy Tuesday, Ya'll. This week is Teacher Appreciation Week and I must say, I sure do feel appreciated! :) XOXO Summer
PS-want some super inappropriate laughs? Click on the link below!
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