Ya'll watchin the weather? I knew things were about to get serious when Husby told me to 'put on pants'...(At home I opt for maximum comfort...and I get hot flashes..a lot...TMI? Sorry...)
Whilst watching KOTV Ch. 6, I am sending so many prayers, hoping and praying people stay safe and sound!
Here's my Friday Five list! (I have seriously not had a single day to just sit at home and have a normal routine since school let out 2 weeks ago...until today!)
1. For Memorial Day weekend, I trekked down to my roots in Stillwater. My parents took it upon themselves to sing chidlren's songs at the TOP of their lungs to my poor Loves...Can you tell how excited they are? HAHAHA!
2. Sweet Bestie Anne had her Miss Paisley oh so long ago and I have been itchin to get my hands on her! But with colds, surgeries, school, and moving to a new town, getting to Stillwater has been impossible. ANYWAY, Paisley is a tiny, perfect, precious ball of cuddlyness and I am completely obsessed with her. Bee learned what 'being gentle' means...picking up her brother by his FACE is her new hobby...we were cautious with her!

Sweet LOVES!

I wanted to snuggle her allllllll day! I am so proud of Anne and so in love with Paisley!!!!!!

Turtle and Paisley!
3. I never pack toys when I go to my parents because Momma saved all of mine and Sidder's from our childhood...ironically 98% of these toys are...Barbies...

I don't know if Turtle is a ladies' man or expressing his feminine side during nap time... either way it makes me swoon!
4. We had a BLAST making these shirts with our cousins and their super grown up kids! (I say that because they are so well mannered and even though they are still in grade school, they are taller than me...) My kids didn't get dirty in the process...but I had to throw away my shirt, attempt to wipe off permanent paint from my pants, pick blue specks out of my hair, and there is still red on my hands...I look sort of creepy if you stare at my fingernails...

5. Debbie Diller. Need I say more? For those of you who don't know who she is, let me tell ya! I idolize her. In every way. She pioneered small groups in classrooms and has successfully published over 7 books and has retired from teaching to teach teachers how to integrate literacy and math and ohmiword is that a run on sentence?? I have seen her speak 4 times, I have my picture with her, and I have had her personally autograph all of the books she has written....we are friends on Facebook...I follow her blog, and after yesterday, I can tell you where she SHOPS for clothes. (My best teacher friend Teresa joked that my next encounter with her might lead to a restraining order...HA!) She is just such an awesome person who really motivates me to be a better teacher. And she has ah-mazing ideas!

Here she is drinking water...She bought that cute little orange print top at J. Crew!

Me and Teresa waiting for her Literacy seminar to start. I almost wet my pants. No lie.
And I shall leave you with this picture, dearest Friends. Sweet Turtle posing with nerdy glasses. Melt my heart!

Ya'll don't forget to DUCK and COVER!
XOXO Summer
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