Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday Five

Who would think we would be wearing gloves and scarves the first week of May? WELCOME TO OKLAHOMA, y'all! Here's this week's most favs!


Sno-Cones at school!  Unfortunately it was a balmy 50 degrees outside.  Fail, Oklahoma.  Fail.

2.  Little Miss Stubborn decided to get down her own way at took a good 20 minutes to un-stick her.  Ah, the joys of parenthood.

3.  So.  I am responsible.  I'm lying.  I lost the keys to this padlock thing at work.  And our custodian had to literally cut the blasted lock off so I could get to my...postits...Yes, there are more important things in there but ya'll know how I am about my sticky paper!

4.  I love my kid's sitter.  She cracks me up with her typos.  Her responses are on the left...

5.  My father, being the avid outdoorsman that he is, received the best gift from  my sister last Christmas!  A portable 'plastic bag' water bottle for when he goes camping.  But oh no.  What does he use it for when he comes to visit me?  To safely transport his nightly beverage.  I'll give you a hint.  It smells terrible, ISN'T water, and rhymes with sandy, candy, handy.....

I love me some Fridays!  I'm going to curl up and catch up on my guiltiest pleasure, Real Housewives!
xoxo Summer

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