SIL told me about this ah-mazing new farmers market/organic food store, Sprouts in Bixby. I was DYING to go! Then sweet MIL said she would go and we were off! Here's a photo overload of our deliciously fresh adventure!

3 Musketeers!

Random store was so so so fun! Everything was colorful, fresh, (have I said that enough already??!) and CHEAP! Cheaper than Wal-Mart cheap. Even pineapple! SOLD.
Someone was not such a fan of his organic chocolate chip cookie sample....

Bless her, MIL took Bee in her cart! BRAVE woman!

See how CUTE and little some of the produce was? I just swooned for these baby heirlooms! (They are so so so flavorful so naturally I'm sure the baby ones will be just as wowza!)

BABY mangos! HOLD ME BACK! Yes, the store has regular sized fruit and veggies, but me being 'fun sized' myself, I fascinated by the little gems!

Now, I wasn't in the market for a new brush, but I just might have to skidattle on back for one that has the same name as me! (Bass!-- it's nice to NOT be just a fish, ya know?)

You can buy your own seasonings and herbs and whatnot by the oz/pound! HOW fun! There was craaazy stuff too, like powdered vanilla, arrowroot, and whole (dried) chamomile flowers!

They had an abundance of fresh things you could 'self serve' and buy the pound. Now, call me naive, but isn't hemp marijuana? And isn't SELLING all things marijuana illegal? These puppies were 'salted'? Strange...

Love Jamaican food but have a gluten allergy? No worries, apparently so is Bob Marley!

How do I always manage to find the strangest vitamins? Do you take these to treat leg veins or are there creepy chopped up old lady legs in these jars???
All in all I was completely floored and fascinated by everything! Most definitely going back! Thank you, Sprouts for a super fun Sunday!
xoxo Summer
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