Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mommy List

10 Things people Don't Tell You About Mommyhood!

1.  Change a baby boys diaper with your mouth closed. Trust me. 

2.  You will be so tired at times you will forget to put on deodorant. Or your contacts. Or underwear. 

3.  Your fluffy animal babies take a back seat. Immediately. I never thought that would happen but as soon as Elmo realized the bassinet wasn't for him he got mad. And was quickly transferred to the back yard. 

4. You will end up driving a mini van. Hasn't happened to you yet? Good-count your blessings!

5. You never get a 'Mommy sick day'. Ever. 

6.  You find yourself making up ridiculous songs and dances to entertain not so cheery toddlers. Be grateful if your neighbors haven't discovered this about you yet. 

7. Haircuts don't happen. Nor do pedicures. Or massages. Unless you con your husband into baby sitting and make him think you are getting the oil changed. 

8. Dining out is a luxury. The quality of restaurants you eat at slowly diminishes as your children grow louder and throw food farther. And you always have to tip more. 

9. You will never have a second alone again. Not even to pee. They WILL find you. 

10. You turn into your mother. Sorry ladies. Try as you might to avoid it, it happens. 

11.  As your bank account depletes, your heart and soul will be filled with immeasurable warmth and love. Nothing beats a smile from a sweet baby boy or a hug from a little girl. Even if she is covered in peanut butter. And boogers. 

Happy Mothers's Day, Y'all!
XOXO Summer


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Summer--I have greatly enjoyed reading your blog posts! This one, though, makes my heart happy. Thank you for always posting and thank you, especially, for the smiles! -Tabi

    1. Oh you are SO sweet, Tabi! I'm glad you enjoy them! It's crazy that only 10 years ago we were graduating and now we have babies! Time FLIES!
