People always tell me I should have my own reality TV show. I don't think it would get very high ratings, I'm no Snooki or Vicki Gunvalson. I get excited over simple things like pictures of bacon, finding a long lost bag of M&M's, communicating through lines of rap via text message with Husby, stuffed crust pizza, and singing Raffi music with Bee. Not Lamborghinis or rhinestone iPads. But if someone was following me around wth a camera, this is what they would discover:
A. I have an addiction. To Post It's. Is that weird? I'm like a sticky paper hoarder. See my TUB o' Post It's in my storage closet at school? It gives me some sort of natural high!
Cookie cake. Double Decker Cookie Cake. Yes. This. Is. Happening.

C. Shoes. Strangely, Husby bought me these last year for part of my Christmas. I always get complements on them and they are so comfy! He truly is my other half! (I'm thinking HE thinks if he buys me stuff, he thinks I will feel less obliged to shop. Boy was he wrong! HA!)
Tomorrow is Friday. YAY!
xoxo Summer
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