Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Café You Say?

I'm a caffeine junkie. I admit it. But I'm sorta snobby about my caffeine..I am addicted to Coke, Diet Coke, Pepsi, Diet Pepsi and Sweet Tea (gee, did I name enough?)  I do like to try new things however, so when I got one of my free samples of Nescafé Memento, I was excited! 

I LOOOOOVE the smell of coffee.  It reminds me of early mornings living in Louisiana when I was a kiddo.  I would wake up smelling my daddy's coffee brewing while he woke up at the crack of dawn to go to work.  I would wake up with him and munch on cheerios or raisins.  :)  But, coffee tastes bitter to me.  People tell me, 'add sugar, cream', whatever.  That is too much effort.  If you have to add a bunch of 'frill' to something to make it taste better, chances are, I'm not going to eat it.  Unless it's a Zebra Cake...That's for another day...

I followed the directions to on the package and I made myself the Mocha flavored one.  I tried a little sip.  Then a little more.  Then a little more.  It was sweet and smooth!  It was a tad too strong for me to finish, but I'm quite positive an avid coffee drinker would LOVE it!  :)

Faithful to Diet Coke,
xoxo Summer

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