Don't be offended by what I'm about to say, this post is merely an observation and opinion of sorts. I mean NOT to appear opinionated or close minded!
It seems much of the terror attacks and tragedies that have occurred in the past few years have happened on the East Coast part of the US. A fairly Conservative area of the country. It's almost as if terrorists know better than to mess with the south. We are gun toting, fearless, 'Don't Mess With Texas' attitude people who are extremely passionate about our roots and protecting our family, friends, and...trucks.
No one plants bombs on us because we don't run marathons. We have pie eating contests-no one would dare interrupt a redneck festival dedicated to chugging beer and food...that's just dangerous; Hank Williams Jr. concerts- people would be too 'high on life' (if you know what I mean) to care to blow that party up, and of course, NASCAR-- do I need to explain that one?
And then there's the aftermath of it all. Everyone wants to put the accused to trial and go though all of these litigations and tax paying dollars to drag out a court hearing and sentencing and blah blah blah. Just put the criminals in a classroom full of sugared up 5 year olds. Watching Barney and Sponge Bob. For a decade. Trust me, if that was the punishment, I assure you many close minded terrorists would think twice before two stepping a bomb into these parts.
After it's all said and done, we don't really have time for terrorists in Oklahoma. Heck, people in Tulsa do enough damage.
This fine looking fellow
loaded his 'hot bod' up with meth, robbed some people and then ran through a casino with a loaded shot gun. Yeah. We're hard like that. Good grief. My father in law ACTUALLY saw this guy, as he is an avid poker player and was at the River Spirit Casino when the moron ran through.
I hope our government figures out the gun laws soon. And I hope terrorists get a clue. The people they hurt are good people. People that might have helped them at some time in their life...a teacher, cashier, nurse, waiter....if you keep blowing us up, there won't be any Americans left to HELP YOU.
Get a clue...and a real job...blowing people up is sort of a dead end, crappy way to earn rent.
Can I say how much I love this. I love u friend! Amazing!
ReplyDeleteCan I say how much I love this. I love u friend! Amazing!