Ya'll ready? Here's the list!
1. A kiddo at school donated snacks. Random snacks. Ones I would have never eaten before in my life. But today I tried a pancake and sausage on a stick. And my life will never be the same. Again. Four pancakes on a stick later, I can say I'm addicted. Random fact: I can eat more than my FIL He's a hefty guy. But my appetite is bigger. :)

3. Bestie A has never heard of a moon pie. WHAT?! I will never look at her the same again. So at lunch this week she literally googled it. I'm bringing her one for dessert Monday. (Clearly not a true southern girl if she has never even heard of one!!) It's ok though. I still love her.
4. Speaking of moon pies and all things delish, who ever came up with this ridiculous idea? Breakfast for cats. This is what our world is coming to people! You know it's hit the fan when your cat eats better in the am than you do. I'll take 'rise and shine' with real bacon and eggs over crappy soggy cereal any day!
And on another note, Elmo, my frisky feline, eats anything. Heck, he licks his own butt. I'm sure he won't be offended if I don't spend the extra dough to provide him a sunrise surprise.
5. Symmetrical Butterflies! I have an abundance of foam shapes so I had my kiddos pick four shapes, stick them on one wing, and imitate the pattern on the opposite side. Such a pretty display in our room and a great assessment tool!
Big plans this weekend people? Sidder is coming to help decorate Bee's room Saturday. I might be a little feng shui retarded... Dont' judge.
Happy Friday!
Where the h__l have you been? Sausage on a stick is a staple in our house. You should try the blueberry ones.
ReplyDeleteThere's blueberry ones?! Headed to grocery store!