Dearest readers, as most of you know, tomorrow I am going under the knife! My gall bladder shall not have the best of me yet!
A celebratory bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich was most definitely in order for breakfast! Take THAT gall bladder! (And a great big thanks to Ms. Mansker!) Last night Husby and I stuffed our faces with Taco Mayo. In our big ol bed. Watching a movie. At 10:30 at night. We're a bunch of rebels, aren't we? HA!
In preparing for the procedure, dearest Ms. Mansker researched foods for gall bladder
victims. Here's what we learned:
· Foods that are fried, like French fries and potato chips
· High-fat meats, such as bacon, bologna, sausage, ground beef, and ribs
· High-fat dairy products, such as cheese, ice cream, cream, whole milk, and sour cream
· Pizza
· Foods made with lard or butter
· Creamy soups or sauces
· Meat gravies
· Chocolate
· Oils, such as palm and coconut oil
· Skin of chicken or turkey
Well that's awesome. That rules all major food groups. *Chuckle chuckle* PS- The 'meat gravies' one threw me off. It sounds gross, the way they worded that. GAG.
Then she found this:
High-fiber and gas-producing foods can also cause some people discomfort after gallbladder surgery, so you may want to introduce them slowly back into your diet. These include:
· Cereals
· Whole-grain breads
· Nuts
· Seeds
· Legumes
· Brussels sprouts
· Broccoli
· Cauliflower & Cabbage
Let me first say this. Gross. I wouldn't want to stuff cabbage down my throat any way. But did you
read the list? That cuts out literally everything else on the spectrum of food. Except grapes and carrots. And beer. That sounds like a party, doesn't it?
The good news is this, everyone I have talked to who has undergone the gall bladder massacre has recovered quite well and are much better off in the long run. And the nurses promised to give me stadol before the surgery to 'calm my nerves'. Have you ever been on stadol? It has certain hallucinogenic properties to it. I was given a hefty dose of it when I was in labor with Bee...Let's just say I saw the toilet dancing and I don't remember my epidural at ALL. Husby does. He still tells me the crazy things I said...oh still amazes me that he chose to marry me!
I'm not gonna lie, I probably won't be blogging for a few days...will ya'll survive?
Missing my love affair with all things bacon (turkey bacon from now on- le sigh)
xoxo Summer