Friday, March 8, 2013

Working on my fitness!

Namaste.  What does that even mean?  What language is that in?  Who cares?  I'm good.  But I will tell you this.  I have sort of a hoarding problem with exercise DVD's and I love to collect them, look at them, but rarely use them.  I popped in my Yoga DVD last night and it.  was.  amazing.  All of my stress from work, kids, and myself just melted away!  Crazy, isn't it?  Ironically, I could hear Bee pounding on her door (attempted nap time on my part) and singing at the top of her lungs.  And Husby's rap music blaring from the 'man cave work out room'.

Yet I still managed to relax and have 'me time'.  It was nice.  I'll have to do it again soon.  Unfortunately, I completely overestimated my 'fitness level' Sunday and tried to do a workout my ex-cheerleader sister probably couldn't have completed.  What was I thinking?  I could barely walk yesterday (trust me, I got some weird looks from colleagues and students alike!) and breathing is beginning to be a :(  Today is even worse.  I cried getting dressed! 
Perhaps the enigma of being fit and 'cute' is for the birds.  I don't mind being curvy.  Sadly, I am still left with the appetite of a large, free range hippo.  Le sigh.  Maybe one day I weigh less than my husband...

Dreaming of a world full of marshmallows, chocolate anything, and spandex pants,

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