Saturday, March 9, 2013

Chaos in a box

Packing.  I've learned to hate it.  What's worse than packing?  Packing with a diva toddler, rolly polly 7 month old, and my husband who gets distracted by anything sparkle-y.  (I do can see how well this is going already can't you?)

We started packing our living room earlier this week.  What started as cleaning out the coat closet has turned into 1/2 the bathroom, 1/2 kitchen, 1/2 living room and 1/2 of Bee's room packed.  I would have to stop what I was doing to re-direct toddler traffic or cook dinner.  Then I turn around to find Husby.  He is in the bedroom, baffled by his new found discoveries he made in the closet/bathroom/wherever.  "I've been looking for this for ages!"  And he plays  tinkers becomes a lost cause.

Giving up on his brute strength to help me, I try to organize the already packed boxes.  Much to my dismay I see every box he has labeled says "crap"; "random"; "stuff".  WHAT ON EARTH AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THIS?!  I ask him what it means.  "I don't know, how am I supposed to remember?"  Great.  I am so glad I married a genius.

Five days later I take complete advantage of his leaving to golf and both kiddos napping.  I pack up almost everything in the kitchen except plastic ware and one casserole dish.  Bless Husby's heart, he goes to heat up a burrito but can't find a thing to microwave it in.  Apparently a plastic plate or Rubbermaid container isn't good enough.  Since when did he get fancy?  He ate Doritos crumbs off his STOMACH not three days earlier.  Whatever.

Tomorrow I plan on finishing up the kid's rooms.  Wish this Mama luck!

If I had a billion dollars, I would hire someone to do this 'mess' they call moving,

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