Friday, March 8, 2013

Ladylike is for the birds...or Bee...

When my OB told us we were having a girl, I was indescribably excited!  I wanted one so so so much (I sound like I'm pining for a new purse or car or something don't I?!) because I knew my husband was the only son out of like 10 girls (ok, maybe 5 but still, my odds were SLIM).  We were convinced we were having a boy at first.  We even designed an Eric Carle nursery before that ah-mazing ultra sound!  So when Dr. Ross forever changed our lives with those three beautiful words, "It's a girl!", I could not wait to buy pretty pink things, play tea party, and paint her nails when we had 'spa days'.

Ladies and gentleman, I'm here to tell you today that all though my blonde haired, doe eyed Bee is in fact a girl, she is 100% boy at heart...

Her favorite thing to do is eat dirt with the dogs. (Summer 2012)

Another favorite way to pass the time...You can tell Sidder is none too excited about this one... 
(Thanksgiving 2012)

And now this.  So much for raising a lady!  
(February 2013)

Oh well, my Mom always said "I hope your kids are as well behaved as you were growing up."  As a kid I smacked all my food down, I burped so loud the neighbors could hear me, and constantly wiped my mouth on the inside of my shirt.  Great.  Hey Bee, your hand is in your pants...

Wondering if Zacharia will be interested in graceful ballet...
Hey, he's half way there with the leg extension and toe pointe!

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