Monday, March 11, 2013

Egg-cellent Easter!

I don't think I get "Mom of the Year Award" for my Easter basket to Rylie last year...I was poking around on Pinterest today and I came across these CUTE Easter ideas!  Enjoy!

1.  Egg cake :)

2.  Roll food coloring in shaving cream, let sit on eggs, wipe off and apparently this works pretty well.....we shall see...normally my Pinterest attempts are flops...

3.  This Lamb Chop cake speaks for itself.  Sign me up!

4.  Doughnut holes.  Genius!

5.  Rice Crispy Happiness!  Love that they stuffed a jelly bean in the middle :)  My sweet SIL must do these!  (She did an awesome Christmas Train last year!)

So perhaps amidst planning a gall bladder surgery, buying a house, moving, planning a last minute field trip the first week back from Spring Break, and wrapping up a crazy school year, I will do these things.  Ha!

Daylight Savings is the devil,
xoxo Summer

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