Friday, March 29, 2013

Friday Six!

Friday is here! 

Things I'm currently obsessed with:

1. My aide introduced me to these.  Low calorie and delish! 

2.  Enough said.

3.  We have these 'dot art' painters which resemble bingo dobbers.  We decorated eggs yesterday and they look SUPER CUTE hanging up on our Spring Bulletin Board!

4.  Mr. Antonio, our AH-MAZING custodian, has a birthday today.  He puts up with a LOT and totally deserved this birthday surprise!  :)

5.  Whataburger's Breakfast Biscuit with-- you guessed it!-- BACON.  Cheesy Perfection.

6.  I love my Momma!  You know life is good when you have time to dance!  Especially with a goof ball named Bee!

Hoping your Friday is as blessed as mine!
xoxo Summer

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Gross Me Out

It takes a lot to gross me out.  I'm lying.  I gag at: spit up, rotten food, boogers, mayo, my husband's toenails, squished bug guts, broccoli.....and the list goes on and on.  Here's a few things that are added to my list:

1.Hairless Sphynx Kittens Personal ChecksHAIRLESS, inside out cat checks.  Please someone get this cat a sweater.  And botox.  Way to let the money collecting world know you are a weirdo.  Just sayin.

2.  At school today, our kids had sausage biscuits.  Pretty sure the sausage was beyond pink slime.  The super sick part?  It smelled so good! 

3.  Potty training a 1 1/2 year old.  Enough said.

4.  My mom made this spinach chicken mushroom Marsala something or rather and bless her heart, she brought it over for us to enjoy.  Needless to say, it hasn't escaped from it's Tupperware container in the fridge.  I'm still scared to open it.

5.  When I picked up Bee yesterday she was in different clothes than what I dropped her off in.  What happened you say?  She was playing in her poop after nap time.  Whoa.  Refer back to #3...

6.  Chicken eggs.  If you really think about it, it's the unborn fetus of a chicken.  GAG.  I tried to ignore this for most of my life until Ms. Mansker started talking about it to our kids today.  GAG.  Have I GAGGED enough?

What's on your list?
xoxo Summer

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Fly me to the moon!

Field Trip Day in Pre-K!  Where you say?  The Tulsa International Airport!  What fun!

We are going on an airplane hunt!

Here we are at security!  The Little's got a kick out of taking off their shoes...I wish I had captured the look on the security guards' faces when the smell of forty 5 year old's shoes went through the X Ray machine thingy.  HA!

Mass Re-Tying of Shoes

Me and Ellen!  She is the other Pre-K's aide and she is HYSTERICAL!  Easily my other half!

Learning about how bad people plant scary things in stuffed animals...They thought it was funny...I'm not gonna lie, it sorta freaked me out.

I had the opportunity to sneak a self portrait...A mommy of two rarely has time to snap a photo of herself, you know!

Ellen and I found this to be a little humorous.  Or unnerving.  It's whatever.  (Asbestos Hazard...Do Not Disturb without proper training and equipment.  YEAH, let's drag 40 kids through this hallway!)

I saw this guy with a giant mechanical RIDING swiffer thingy.  If I had this at my house, it would be clean all.  the.  time...

Then the FUN part!  We got to pretend we were going on a trip!  Here is the flight simulator!  Eleen just learned she had to be the head stewardess.  SO FUNNY.

First Class

Economy Class...We ran out of chairs so we stuffed them three to a row...that meets FAA Regulations, right?

2nd Flight Attendant!

Welcome Aboard!  Like I said, LOVE her!

Getting their tickets.  The darlings were so excited!


The Crew!  (Left to right: Ms. Mansker-Pilot, Ellen-Head Stewardess, Me-Announcer lady--does that surprise you?, Alisha- Other Pre-K teacher, Co-Pilot)  We had a BLAST!

After we did our little airplane skit, we acted like we were taking off.  The lights went out, engines roared and there was even an in-flight movie about the bomb sniffing dog, Romeo.  One of our kids asked Ms. Mansker to 'drop him off in Disney World.'  Another asked if we were serving pink lemonade.  How cute is THAT?

We learned that jet engines are super cool and an airplane needs one of these bad boys to start the two main engines.  Then we learned that if one engine fails, an airplane can still run on just one.  Fascinating! 

100 year old airplane 'flying high' in the main entrance of the airport.  I found this super awesome as well.

Just look at this guy's seat.  How safe is that?  Literally a lawn chair strapped to boards.  Praise Jesus technology and airplanes have come a LONG way!

Picnic at Mohawk Park.  This seemed like a good idea.  Until the wind picked up.  And the tornado sirens went off.  And 75% of our lunches blew away.  But hey, they got to see awesome airplanes and helicopters land.  See the little guy flying?  There were six all at once.  LOVE it!

Ms. Mansker decided my final picture should be this.  A bird could literally nest in my windblown hot mess hair!

Pre-K adventure! 

I love my job!
xoxo Summer

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Chicken Little

This is hands down, funniest thing I have seen in a while...

Squirting milk from my nose,

Monday, March 25, 2013

Boys and Toys

I need something explained to me.  What is with men and electronics?  Is it an ego thing?  Maybe this is one of those men are from Mars, women are from Venus situations.  Or women are just more practical...Whatever.

My husband was not happy with the reasonably sized TV we have in our new living room.  He took it upon himself to find a bigger version and put our already large TV in our bedroom...After three long days of window shopping, he finally made a decision.  A FIFTY FIVE inch tv.  Let me explain something to you.  I am only 60 inches tall.  That's it.  This TV is a mere FIVE inches shorter than a human being.  For real.  If I was skinny, I would fit in the box it came in just by lying down. 

Once the initial shock factor of this mega beast wore off, I started to realize something.  It must be 'a guy thing.'  A very close friend and colleague I work with told me her husband bought a same sized TV this weekend too!  (Maybe there's something in the water...)  At lunch we were discussing men and their accessories.  Another friend told me they actually have surround sound in the crown moulding of their house.  Inside and out.  Are you kidding me?!  Then she told how much it had cost them and I chocked on my mediocre red beans and rice. 

Then it hit me.  How can men yell at us for spending money on a new purse or a pedicure and then turn around and drop $5895834908534 on some stupid flat screen business?!  At least I can wear what I bought.  If men wore their 'purchases' they would look stupid.  Don't even get me started.

I suppose the up side of this is that I can watch my Real Housewives in life size.  That should be cool...

Wishing Husby would upgrade my shoe supply...

Friday, March 22, 2013

Fairy Tale Oklahoma

Once upon a time, in a quiet subdivision, lived Hansel, Gretel, and Little Red Riding Hood...

Ha ha! Seriously, y'all. These houses are RIGHT NEXT DOOR. I almost want to lick their porch to see if it's made of peppermint.

What a great way to say hello!...
Wondering if the Gingerbread Baby is across the street...
Xoxo Summer

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Finger Paint

Painting. It's a simple skill. One mastered in Pre-K. Yet somehow I seem to have fallen through the cracks on that one. I can't paint a picture, wall, or even face paint to save my life.

Husby and I had decided to paint both kids rooms prior to moving in. Great. Simple. Cheap way to renovate a room. So he thought.

Let me start by explaining my disastrous beginning. Paint hasn't even been introduced yet. Taping. Who on EARTH made that look easy!?! Apparently you are supposed to keep the blue painters tape (why not pink or purple?) in one continuous line along trim and borders. I did not know this. I did it in strips as long as my tiny T-Rex arms allowed. And what's with the fancy tape that's attached to drop cloth plastic? Way to throw me through a loop!

After three treacherous hours of taping one tiny room, I set about laying the drop cloth. HOLY MAGOO. That &@$! is ridiculous. Imagine a short clumsy girl struggling with life sized Saran Wrap.

I'm sure you are imagining all of the colorful words falling out of my mouth by now. Husby decides to check on me, I believe it has finally hit him that I am past my comfort zone. He sees my feeble attempt at 'dropping cloths' and shakes his head. He is mega worried about the carpet. 'Remember babe, the more protection the better.' Ha. My dear sweet man, if I had you saying that over a year ago, we would be panting one child's room. Not two...

Fast forwarding to paint. After my all to enthusiastic paint job was complete, I stood back to look at my work. Not too shabby. But there's paint on the window. The ceiling. My pants. And on almost every square foot of those blasted drop cloths.

Sweet Husby just shakes his head in a defeated way. (You would think with all his head shaking at me he would have whip lash...) "Summer. You paint like a toddler."

Perhaps on our next home improvement project, he will just let me be the bartender.

Peace. Love. Paint fumes.
Xoxo Summer

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sampling of Paneling

We are at Lowes where I discovered this beauty! Can't you imagine my excitement?! Ha ha ha. Made me laugh so hard I had tears. Only in Oklahoma my friends.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Pitiful Pinterest

I have been quite entertained by some of the shenanigans posted on Pinterest lately..Here's a few of my 'favorites'.

1.  A food portion-er thingy for your plate.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  If you seriously feel you need this, why don't you just call up the Mayo Clinic and get on one of their weight loss surveys....  (PS- There isn't even a slot for your Butterfinger bar or brownie w/ ice cream?!)

2.  Nothing says "Hi, welcome to our home.  We are raging alcoholics!" like an over the door wine rack.  So convenient when your day sucks so bad you can't even get through the threshold without grabbing a bottle...or two...I don't judge...

3.  Show off your 'balla' status with a Louis Vuitton waffle iron.  Can I buy syrup that drips Chanel C's?  If you own one of these, I can only imagine what your toilet seat is made out of...

4.  I'm just going to walk away from this one.  Nothing I can say will explain the sheer ridiculousness of this high chair.  Nothing.  And PS- that dog's straw is too short.  How the heck is he supposed to drink his cappuccino out of that?!

5.  Innocent Baby Seal Taser Key Chain?  YES!  Although, I'm the gifted one that would probably shock myself to death trying to unlock my car.  Most definitely would pee myself.

6.  I hope this girl has decent health insurance.  I would definitely file a claim of broken lower everything after attempting to walk in these 'shoes'.
7.  Spinach Burgers.  No amount of anything would make me want to eat that.  Pretty sure my dog, who eats his own waste, would turn his snout to these.  GAG.  They might go well with artichoke and anchovy mayo on a rye bread bun?!  No?  I thought so!

Those are my latest finds.  I hope I inspired you to see the ridiculousness in life.  Can you believe some of these people exist?  They do.  Who knows, maybe your neighbor is grilling up a nice spinach burger on her LV grill....with her dog in his high chair...wearing backwards shoes...It could happen.  Just sayin.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Just another manic Sunday!

My Spring Break weekend in a nut shell:  pack.  manage chaos through the paths in our house created by boxes.  pack.  change Bee's poopy diaper.  surprise! Turtle pooped too...pack... etc. etc. etc.  The ironic part?  A friend of mine is on her way to the Bahamas on a cruise.  Now THAT'S a fantastic Spring Break!

Yesterday we dragged-literally-our kids to every appliance store in the Tulsa area trying to find the best deal on a fridge.  We learned a hard lesson in the first store, and swiftly strapped both kiddos into strollers from there on out.  (Bee thought hide and go seek was the theme of the day.  Wrong.)  Turns out Lowe's had the best deal AND 10% off AND free delivery!  SOLD!


Amidst the hasty, unceremonious packing, I have managed to spend some quality time with my Loves!  Here, Bee has ripped out her piggie tails and is smashing her latest obsession, chocolate cupcakes.  (I pause here for a second to contemplate the fascinating article I read today in Parenting today about childhood obesity...)

Turtle loves hanging out with Mommy after Bee is snuggly in bed!

Day 2 of Lowe's:  We discovered the car shopping carts.  Life for this little driver will never be the same.  She. Was. Mesmerized.

Husby, not so much.  :(    He could barely steer the darn thing and kept running into stuff...Bee had a blast!  HA!

To wrap up our weekend of 'non-rest', my sweet in-laws had us over for a celebratory dinner of delish grilled steaks and anniversary chocolate cake!  (Can't believe our wedding anniversary is this week!!!)  Clearly a picture is worth a thousand...calories!!!
Love me some Poppie!

On a final note, I am glad I married a patient man who puts up with the unorganized craziness that is our life. He has not complained once, even when he resorted to eating cereal out of a Pyrex measuring bowl because 1. he was hungry and I had packed all of our food except bare minimum...and 2. apparently my smart self packed all the real bowls...

Tomorrow we close and begin our new journey!  Say a little prayer for us!  
Wondering what else I can cram into my last box,
xoxo Summer