Sunday, February 10, 2013

Water with a Brain

Having two kids being sick, and overcoming a wretched stomach virus myself, one tends to remember what made them feel better.  In the midst of attempting to cram fluids down my quite stubborn one year old, an idea hit my husband smack on his head.  She needs electrolytes... Smart Water has electrolytes.  I know this sounds nuts and you know where I'm going with this...stay with me...

Rylie is an unusual kid, she only drinks whole milk and water.  Pedialyte grosses her out and we hated sitting on her to get her to drink it.  Zach realized Smart Water had electrolytes 'added into it' (isn't that weird?!  I mean, who decides to add things like that to water??  Maybe that's why I DON'T get paid the big bucks...le sigh...)  Anywho.  We switched out her tap water with Smart Water and I kid you not, she seemed perkier and more energized after a few hours.    Who knew water would have a brain?  HA!

Wondering what else they add to water...

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