Saturday, February 23, 2013

If You Give a Man a Kitchen...

Since finding our perfect little house last week, Husby and I have made a list of all the things we will have to (ok, want to...) do when we snag the keys!  What was "OH, it's perfect!  We don't have to do anything to it!" has morphed into a two page list of things I am hoping we can accomplish simply by waving a magic wand.  I'm no Harry Potter and I get the feeling we are going to be busy bees for a quite some time...

We need to re-stain the cabinets.  The house was built in '85 and I'm pretty sure the stain is original.  From a distance it looks ok but up close you can tell the kitchen has definitely been loved.

Husby considers the kitchen upgrades an investment, so we are going to go to the max at Home Depot's discount granite.  (HA!)  But at $29/sq. ft., it's not such a shabby deal.  Ironically we had no idea which of the four options would look best with the cabinet stains we picked out.  Then we second guessed our cabinet stains.  Then we third guessed the tile floors we decided not to rip up.  Nothing is more mind draining then trying to entertain a screaming one year old, making a huge counter top decision, rocking a 20 lb six month old, and trying to pry as much information about the counter top choices and ordering process as possible from a man I'm convinced is related to Santa Claus.

Husby was inspired by the showcased kitchen displays and told me he wants to buy a new sink also.  Oh, and new hardware.  And faucet.  I'm wondering if he has ever read If You Give A Mouse A Cookie...

On the plus side I only want to switch out the doors in the house and everything else is completely upgraded.  I even managed to convince him to let us keep the carpet in the living room.  Hardwood floors can wait til 'everyone'  is out of 'messy spills and accidents' stage.  It may be a while.  I hope he isn't holding his breath.

Now we just have to worry about paint colors for Turtle's accent wall color for Bee, pavers to make some sort of patio for the back yard, sod, new entrance light fixture, minor landscaping, building a weenie dog house, a carpet cleaner, drapes, kid proof bathroom decor, 'man-caving' out the garage, a fridge, and the list goes on and on.  So much for turn key.

Praying Spring Break is extended by three weeks...(we close March 18)...

1 comment:

  1. I can feel you. I thought my new house was perfect until I saw some spots that should be renovated. Hehe! What's important is the fact that you agreed to all the renovations that you'll do in the house. I hope you'll work hand-in-hand for these pending projects. I'm sure you'll enjoy the journey. Keep us updated! :)

    Calvin Mordarski @
