Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mc Crap

What will McDonalds come up with next?  McFish Bites.  Are you kidding me?   I'm a foodie.  But this is a whole new level of gross.  It makes me wonder how they create things like that and assume it's going to sell.  I would understand if it was 'scallop bites' or something like that.  Scallops occur in that similar shape naturally in nature.  I can only imagine how McFish Bites are created.  Then I really get going. 

Dinosaur shaped fish sticks. 
 Christmas Tree Chicken Nuggets. 

I wonder if all the fish in the sea strive to be a certain Dinosaur.  If I was a chicken, I would not want to be a Christmas Tree.  Turn me into something cooler.  A rocket ship or a dragon.  Who says, "Hmmm, I'm really craving dino fish or aritifically shaped chicken?"  Gross. 

I guess I have no room to talk.  I do enjoy a tasty Zebra Cake every now and then.  I wonder how many zebras it takes to cram them into a cake?


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