Friday, February 15, 2013

Eating colors...

So I'm sitting here in professional development and I'm wondering....(don't judge me... I teach pre-k and we just migrated to multiplication teaching strategies. I can't count past my toes, ok!). Anyways. The early childhood table has resorted to combing through our supplies on our table and I 'quietly' distracted myself with a 64 count box of crayolas.

That's when I noticed how creative some of the crayon colors and names are. Asparagus. Orchid. Tickle me pink. Wow! What a great time to be a kid! When I was little, we had mega lame colors. Blue green. Brick red. My most exciting choice was burnt sienna. And I still have no idea what that is.

Then my sweet little ADHD mind wanders to the crayon king. Who decides these colors and names? How do they design the colors? Can they make ones that smell? Can I somehow be a part of this? Ah, the life!

I leave you now with this. I've gone to my happy place of mojitos and miles of sandy beaches. Hope your Friday is more eventful than mine.

Wondering what color will come out next,

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