Monday, February 18, 2013

House Hunt is Over!

These past few days have been crazy!  I am feeling normal again but my Oklahoma Allergies are definitely in full swing.  Le sigh.  I didn't want to blast our business all over the world wide web but since things seem to be falling into place, I'll go ahead and write about it.

Husby and I have decided it's time to buy a house away from Tulsa.  We loved being a couple living here, but it's just not a safe environment for two kiddos.  Our good friend and AH-MAZING realtor helped us find the sweetest, most adorable house in an optimal school district (not TPS, praise Jesus!) and in a beautiful, heavily wooded subdivision.

The little gem backs up into the woods so our kids will be able to explore when they are older.  Husby can do all what ever a man does (tinkering I believe is the word...) and I can bask in the glory of owning a home far away from traffic, thieves and scary Walmart's.

We have prayed hard for guidance and support and we are so thankful for everything everyone has done for us to help our little dream come true!

Now the real fun begins...packing a house with a toddler and a rolly polly 6 month old (this boy will go from rolling to walking in no time.  Oh man!)

Better start hunting for boxes...

PS- Our realtor, Krista Huisenga's website is Big Red Real Estate.  She is so much fun to work with!


  1. Where's your new house?! It's so cute!!

    1. It's in Berryhill. :) Sorry for the slow reply... I just saw it... Oopsie!

  2. How’s life in Berryhill? :) It’s true, your new house is cute, and it even has a way into the woods. That would be a treasure for every kid! Congrats, Summer! Would this be your forever home?
