Monday, February 25, 2013

Some things in life are free!

I hate getting mail.  Unless someone mailed me a present.  Or a check.  Or chocolate cake.  Or a catalogue.  (Husby hates those...they make his blood pressure rise because our credit card bill 'inflates'...hmm, do I see a pattern?).  Anyways.  My aide and I are looking up free samples during Rest Time today.  Of anything and everything.  It's sort of empowering.  I have Loreal Paris shampoo kits, Metamucil (I should probably steer clear of that one to be honest...), VitaMelts vitamins, Prilosec, Cover Girl, Airborne, and Kleenex Kits headed my way. In 6-8 weeks but whatever.  I'm super stoked about free stuff!!! 

All I did was Google search "Target Free Samples" or on the Walmart website you can scroll down under "More" and get free samples.  SO MUCH FUN!  Then we started Googling products -Loreal Hair Care- with the word Sample in there and so many goodies popped up! 

Rest Time is almost over...and the rain is still pouring down.  Husby had to drive a big ol rig all the way from Tulsa to Enid today in the sleeting rain/mush/yuck.  I hope he comes home soon, when he makes big trips like that in bad weather it scares me!  Guess I better start wake up my Loves.

Wishing for a free sample of chocolate every single day for forever!

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