I'm not going to lie...since the birth of my second child, I have all but abandoned my poor blog which I used to love so much! I have run out of steam and time! I have also noticed I am unconsciously obsessed with ending every sentence with !....How strange is that?
Anyway. I think New Year's Resolutions are a crock, but I am honestly going to try to blog more in 2013. There was something therapeutic in it. It was my time. Not kiddo's time. Not Husby's time. Mine. I need that! Anyone out there get what I'm sayin?
I leave you on this chilly Saturday with this lovely tale... I have spent the last four miserable days of my existence fighting off what I assumed was horrible gall bladder pain. Come to find out yesterday morning (right in the midst of doing Circle Time with my Loves at school), it was a wretched stomach virus. Five days of not 'using the bathroom' caught up with me.
Preface: I have to have my gall bladder removed (two years straight of being pregnant can really do a girl in!) and I told my surgeon I wanted to wait til this summer because I have exhausted every single sick day I ever earned with two maternity leaves... she told me I would eventually become completely constipated and nauseous... I would be miserable. Oh, and the cramping would be unbearable. Great. Fantastic. I LOVE it.
So when Monday rolled around, I had horrible, searing pain in my side. "Oh, that's the pain she was talking about!" Then I realized I hadn't pooped. Then Tuesday. No bathroom relief I put every fibrous thing I could find in my body. I drank water. I did squats Nothing. Wednesday. I was in such pain I could barely walk. Sleeping was a joke. Still no relief. Thursday was a blur of pain. I was so tempted to drive myself to the ER but I couldn't peel myself off the couch. Then Friday came. The pain suddenly stopped around 8 am. I found myself sprinting to the bathroom and the rest is history. Three pounds lighter and finally well rested I can tell you I am finally a happy camper!
All that being said, I am going to put my oldest down for a nap and try to figure out how to re-vamp my blog :) I love you all!
Happy Saturday!
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