Thursday, February 28, 2013

Early Bird Friday 5

Friday Five is early this week.  I'm ok with that.

1.Husby complains that I have too many vases.  Duh, it's called  collection.  In our new house there is a built in bookshelf.  I'm going to wrap some in cisal like this one and see how they look.  Hopefully the display will look pretty in person (it's a pretty sight in my mind...)

2.  Homemade Bleach Gel Pens.  I'm a mom.  And I'm messy.  I lived for those Clorox Bleach Pens because they save clothes that just have a few stains on them!!!  I cannot tell you how awesome it is to rescue a white shirt from the discard pile!  I have had trouble finding the regular Bleach Pens at anyplace except Food Pyramid.  Then I found this recipe on Pinterest.  I got excited!

Homemade Bleach Pens:
  • ¾ cup water
  • 3 Tbsp corn starch
  • 4-7 Tbsp household bleach
  1. Mix water and corn starch together in a small pan. Bring to a boil, stirring continuously until mixture becomes translucent and pudding-like. Let cool. If you need to make it more than a few hours ahead of time, cover the pot with plastic wrap so it won’t dry out. Start adding bleach by the Tbsp, until you have the consistency and strength you desire. Gel will thin a little bit after sitting. Use as you would regular bleach gel.
3.  I have zero artistic ability.  If ability could be in the negatives, that would be me...  So I was thrilled when I came across this...every animal's body is based off a simple oval.  I can do that!

4.  Then I found THIS! 
 If you read yesterday's post, you will understand. 

(If this link doesn't work, just youtube 'If animals ate fast food').

5.  Enough said...

Wishing it was already Friday,

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mc Crap

What will McDonalds come up with next?  McFish Bites.  Are you kidding me?   I'm a foodie.  But this is a whole new level of gross.  It makes me wonder how they create things like that and assume it's going to sell.  I would understand if it was 'scallop bites' or something like that.  Scallops occur in that similar shape naturally in nature.  I can only imagine how McFish Bites are created.  Then I really get going. 

Dinosaur shaped fish sticks. 
 Christmas Tree Chicken Nuggets. 

I wonder if all the fish in the sea strive to be a certain Dinosaur.  If I was a chicken, I would not want to be a Christmas Tree.  Turn me into something cooler.  A rocket ship or a dragon.  Who says, "Hmmm, I'm really craving dino fish or aritifically shaped chicken?"  Gross. 

I guess I have no room to talk.  I do enjoy a tasty Zebra Cake every now and then.  I wonder how many zebras it takes to cram them into a cake?


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Money in the Bank

Why do teachers get paid the big bucks? Who knows. Maybe it's because we get coughed on a kagillion times a day. Perhaps it's because we can diffuse temper tantrums in less than two minutes. My husband would say its because we have to supply 75% of our supplies and snacks.

MAYBE its because when a kid pees his/her pants and we send their nap mat home for Mom or Dad to wash, they return it to you bare handed in the same nasty plastic bag you gave it in the previous day. And all you can do is take it and smile. GAG.

Then I reflect on my day with my little Loves and how much I impact their lives. I smile when I recall a kiddos' conversation on 'what dinosaurs smell like'. And how hard a poor hungry boy hugged me before he left today because I gave him an apple to snack on. The grin on a girls' face when she figured out her number puzzle in math stations. (This girl has been trying to master it since January!).

I might not have millions in my bank account or drive a Bentley but I am super loaded in love and happiness. Helping children grow and experiencing life thru their curious little eyes gives me immeasurable glee. Children are our world's greatest resource and I truly believe that. I thank God daily that he gave me the gifts to guide and love. Teaching isn't all birthday parties, recess, and potty breaks. There is heart break, sleepless nights, and unmatched fulfillment. Next time you talk to a teacher, give them a hug. Chances are, they need it! After all, that is how WE measure wealth.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Some things in life are free!

I hate getting mail.  Unless someone mailed me a present.  Or a check.  Or chocolate cake.  Or a catalogue.  (Husby hates those...they make his blood pressure rise because our credit card bill 'inflates'...hmm, do I see a pattern?).  Anyways.  My aide and I are looking up free samples during Rest Time today.  Of anything and everything.  It's sort of empowering.  I have Loreal Paris shampoo kits, Metamucil (I should probably steer clear of that one to be honest...), VitaMelts vitamins, Prilosec, Cover Girl, Airborne, and Kleenex Kits headed my way. In 6-8 weeks but whatever.  I'm super stoked about free stuff!!! 

All I did was Google search "Target Free Samples" or on the Walmart website you can scroll down under "More" and get free samples.  SO MUCH FUN!  Then we started Googling products -Loreal Hair Care- with the word Sample in there and so many goodies popped up! 

Rest Time is almost over...and the rain is still pouring down.  Husby had to drive a big ol rig all the way from Tulsa to Enid today in the sleeting rain/mush/yuck.  I hope he comes home soon, when he makes big trips like that in bad weather it scares me!  Guess I better start wake up my Loves.

Wishing for a free sample of chocolate every single day for forever!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Dorito Massacre

Men are pigs.  Literally.  I love my husband very much but he eats us out of house and home.  I'm telling you, if the walls were made of nachos or Zebra Cakes or something ridiculous like that, we would be screwed.  Then he complains when I spend $150 on food.

On Friday I went to the grocery store to buy a few things to make three meals this weekend.  Oh, and some of my favorite pretzel chips.  I wanted to try this new Dorito Taco Bake.  It appeared to be right up everyone's ally.  I bought the chips, crescent rolls, and meat.  I should have hid the chips.  I knew better.  I even told him not to touch them because they were for the recipe.  Low and behold, a little more than 24 hours later, the crumbled remnants of a JUMBO bag of Doritos lies on my kitchen floor. That's right.  It didn't even make it to the trash can.  Le sigh.

Then I go to the fridge to make myself lunch and I grab for one of my Diet Cokes   GONE.  He drank every single one.  Ok, I probably drank 90% of them  but he had the last one.  I didn't  even get to say good bye.  So I resorted to Grapefruit Juice-gag-.

I'm super annoyed by now.  He waltzes into the kitchen, carefree as usual, ready to scour the fridge for something else he can devour in 15 seconds flat.  He opens the fridge and even has the gall to ask what was for dinner.  "Well dear, you ate the chips I was going to use for the taco bake.  Now I have no idea".   His reply?  "We have stuffing don't we?  Can't you do anything with that."  Oh yeah, you'll get stuffing alright....It is safe to assume I am silently relieved I played my cards right and hid my pretzel chips and strawberry cake mix in the hall closet (it's an unorganized mess, Husby avoids it at all costs...).  I'm going to make cake cookies when he naps and hide them in my car to take to work tomorrow. Does that make me a bad person?

 I suppose we will be that old married couple who instead of sleeping in separate bedrooms, eats out of different pantries.  I'm going to hire an armed guard for mine...

Pining for Diet Coke,

Saturday, February 23, 2013

If You Give a Man a Kitchen...

Since finding our perfect little house last week, Husby and I have made a list of all the things we will have to (ok, want to...) do when we snag the keys!  What was "OH, it's perfect!  We don't have to do anything to it!" has morphed into a two page list of things I am hoping we can accomplish simply by waving a magic wand.  I'm no Harry Potter and I get the feeling we are going to be busy bees for a quite some time...

We need to re-stain the cabinets.  The house was built in '85 and I'm pretty sure the stain is original.  From a distance it looks ok but up close you can tell the kitchen has definitely been loved.

Husby considers the kitchen upgrades an investment, so we are going to go to the max at Home Depot's discount granite.  (HA!)  But at $29/sq. ft., it's not such a shabby deal.  Ironically we had no idea which of the four options would look best with the cabinet stains we picked out.  Then we second guessed our cabinet stains.  Then we third guessed the tile floors we decided not to rip up.  Nothing is more mind draining then trying to entertain a screaming one year old, making a huge counter top decision, rocking a 20 lb six month old, and trying to pry as much information about the counter top choices and ordering process as possible from a man I'm convinced is related to Santa Claus.

Husby was inspired by the showcased kitchen displays and told me he wants to buy a new sink also.  Oh, and new hardware.  And faucet.  I'm wondering if he has ever read If You Give A Mouse A Cookie...

On the plus side I only want to switch out the doors in the house and everything else is completely upgraded.  I even managed to convince him to let us keep the carpet in the living room.  Hardwood floors can wait til 'everyone'  is out of 'messy spills and accidents' stage.  It may be a while.  I hope he isn't holding his breath.

Now we just have to worry about paint colors for Turtle's accent wall color for Bee, pavers to make some sort of patio for the back yard, sod, new entrance light fixture, minor landscaping, building a weenie dog house, a carpet cleaner, drapes, kid proof bathroom decor, 'man-caving' out the garage, a fridge, and the list goes on and on.  So much for turn key.

Praying Spring Break is extended by three weeks...(we close March 18)...

Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday Five

Friday Five!

No joke, ya'll, it is FREEZING in Oklahoma at the moment.  Not cool.  HA!

Here's my list of things I love:

1.  My close friend and best aide ever just found out she passed all three Oklahoma Educator exams to become a teacher.  She is so clever, smart, and ah-mazing with kids!  I am so happy for her, although I am heart broken if she decides to teach next year because that means I will be on my own.  Sad face.

2.  Brighton is my all time favorite jewelry.  There is a new Spring line out, Gaudi Park.  Every single piece is super Spring-y and right up my alley!

Seriously.  Can't.. Get.  Enough  

3.  Things that make me chuckle:

This could easily be me when I'm old.  Hey, you only live once.  If you are going to drag me to a gym, it's my way or the highway once I'm there...

4.  A Kindergarten school somewhere in Europe.  LOVE!

5.  White vinegar.  Say what!?  That's right!  I have added it to loads of towels in the washing machine (1 cup) with regular detergent and it literally took the mildew smell right out!  Amazing!  Then I researched all of the other uses for it cleaning and I'm hooked!  It's a natural ingredient-- I mean, we eat it, right?-- and it's cheap!!!  Holla!  I'm attacking my tub with it this weekend...if I'm motivated ..I'm not gonna might be sometime next week.  But still on my endless list of...priorities?  I'll keep you updated.

Peace, love, Fridays!
xoxo Summer

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Taken 2 the Max!

Husby and I celebrated the snow storm last night by renting Taken 2 with Liam Neeson.  He is such an amazing actor!  Although he has such a serious expression half the time so I feel bad for him.  Like someone blew out his candles on his birthday cake before he was even able to take a breath...

See?  Sad.

I digress.  The movie was  just as good as the first one.  I'm not a super awesome movie critic, but I do love a good action film.  This one was super intense and left me on the edge of my couch.  Literally.  I almost fell off...

I was afraid the ending wouldn't be a happily ever after...and I refuse to be a spoiler.  But watch it.  It made me happy.  And tense.  And excited.  And wondering if they always drive crazy in Albania...

Wishing for a Taken 3...(but the only thing left to take is his dog?)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I'm in a writing rut so to speak.  There is so much going on in our lives right now and school is CRAZY busy but I have found myself void of anything interesting to talk about.  Weird, isn't it?  I'm always a blabbermouth!

It is snowing here in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  Some of my kiddos at school act as if it's foreign alien space matter falling from the sky.  It has made them act insane today! 

My aide and I took them to the library so they could see out the big windows into our playground. 

Our realtor emailed us a copy of our house/closing contract.  I am so excited!  The stressful part for me is over.  We have found our house!  Now my husband is stressed!  (He has started adding up all the expenses involved...apparently the world is not funded nor built on lollipops, rainbows, and fairy to me!)  I am starting to figure out good cabinet stains and granite counter tops...decorating is not my forte (I leave that up to my ah-mazing younger sister).  Let's hope I make a decent decision...more 'money addition' to Husby...I wish they made invisible, endless balance credit cards.  It sure would make my life easier!

This week, in Pre-K we are adding small numbers together.  To help emphasize the concept, we made 'counting' bracelets.  They were hooked instantly! 

I don't know why it won't rotate :(

All they have to do is string 5 pony beads on a pipe cleaner and twist the ends together.  We would move the beads over to make groups adding up to five.  To 'trick' ourselves we would 'hide' one or two beads in our hand and just show the two groups on top.

Stupid pic still won't rotate!!!  (See me 'hiding' two beads?)
I would say 90% of them were able to add and subtract numbers with this easy, fun manipulative!

I am wrapping up this blabbering blog post with a hungry stomach.  I have no idea what my deal is.  I have had a protein shake for breakfast, an apple snack, big lunch and two five mini snickers bites.  And all I can think about is a Burger King happy meal in my face...

Here's to hoping I survive picking up my kiddos from the sitter's house on a 1/4 tank of gas (of course I'm headed to Burger King first!  HA!)
xoxo Summer

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Preggo Paparrazi

I was reading about the tabloids in Europe covering the latest Royal Couple scandal.  The poor pregnant Duchess has lots to deal with!  I honestly feel bad for her...yes I know she chose this life and is probably used to the paparazzi by now, but if I had photographers in my face 24/7 during my first trimester of pregnancy I would have moved to a cave.  On a deserted island.  With nobody but Husby Captain Jack Sparrow to keep my company.  HA!

Honestly!  She had to be hospitalized for severe dehydration and sickness in the beginning of her pregnancy.  I remember being so so sick with Rylie and Husby and I were so scared something would go wrong or the baby wouldn't make it...pretty much we expected the worst possible scenario (previous miscarriages can do that to a couple!)  I looked awful, the last thing I wanted was people in my face.  I can only imagine the headlines if I was Catherine.  I cannot imagine how she handles this whole scary, exciting time with such dignity and grace!  Every photo of her is stunningly perfect.  Blah.  If the paparazzi were to stalk me while grocery shopping this weekend I assure you I would not have looked like this:

You would definitely see me in shirt I wore to bed, mismatched flip flops and severely underestimated pony tail...  But then again, I don't live in a kagilloin million dollar mansion and take High Tea with the Queen...  I guess I should be grateful no one snaps pictures of my stuffing brownies in my face or me blowing my nose in my car at a red light... (Hey, everyone has boogers!)

Hopefully everyone has had a great Tuesday.  My little Loves at school are bonkers!  I think the four day weekend really did them in!  It's nap time and every single one of the 20 are out.  Sometimes I wonder how I can make twenty 4 year olds nap but I can't get a 6 month old or 1 1/2 year old to do it simultaneously...

Hoping to curl up and cat nap in a few sweet hours,

Monday, February 18, 2013

House Hunt is Over!

These past few days have been crazy!  I am feeling normal again but my Oklahoma Allergies are definitely in full swing.  Le sigh.  I didn't want to blast our business all over the world wide web but since things seem to be falling into place, I'll go ahead and write about it.

Husby and I have decided it's time to buy a house away from Tulsa.  We loved being a couple living here, but it's just not a safe environment for two kiddos.  Our good friend and AH-MAZING realtor helped us find the sweetest, most adorable house in an optimal school district (not TPS, praise Jesus!) and in a beautiful, heavily wooded subdivision.

The little gem backs up into the woods so our kids will be able to explore when they are older.  Husby can do all what ever a man does (tinkering I believe is the word...) and I can bask in the glory of owning a home far away from traffic, thieves and scary Walmart's.

We have prayed hard for guidance and support and we are so thankful for everything everyone has done for us to help our little dream come true!

Now the real fun begins...packing a house with a toddler and a rolly polly 6 month old (this boy will go from rolling to walking in no time.  Oh man!)

Better start hunting for boxes...

PS- Our realtor, Krista Huisenga's website is Big Red Real Estate.  She is so much fun to work with!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Eating colors...

So I'm sitting here in professional development and I'm wondering....(don't judge me... I teach pre-k and we just migrated to multiplication teaching strategies. I can't count past my toes, ok!). Anyways. The early childhood table has resorted to combing through our supplies on our table and I 'quietly' distracted myself with a 64 count box of crayolas.

That's when I noticed how creative some of the crayon colors and names are. Asparagus. Orchid. Tickle me pink. Wow! What a great time to be a kid! When I was little, we had mega lame colors. Blue green. Brick red. My most exciting choice was burnt sienna. And I still have no idea what that is.

Then my sweet little ADHD mind wanders to the crayon king. Who decides these colors and names? How do they design the colors? Can they make ones that smell? Can I somehow be a part of this? Ah, the life!

I leave you now with this. I've gone to my happy place of mojitos and miles of sandy beaches. Hope your Friday is more eventful than mine.

Wondering what color will come out next,

Thursday, February 14, 2013

It's not always roses and chocolate...

Valentine's Day was spent with my little Loves at home, as I am soaking in the remnants of my final sick day.  (Thank you for all of your prayers!  I am feeling doctor is worried about my liver-- we will do more blood work and once my gall bladder is removed, things should look more...clear?)

This is how we spent our day:
Valentine's Ravioli!

Valentine's from Jessi (their ah-mazing '2nd mom' and babysitter)

This was little Turtle most of the day...cutting teeth and growth spurts are no joke!

Baking (recipe to follow!)  Oh, and ignore my puffiness and ridiculous attire...

Dishes in Jammies!

Valentine's Story (Elmo Loves You) and getting ready for bed!  Ignore the monstrous laundry situation behind Bee...

Kids are asleep.  Time to devour savor a small bite of this delisciousness...

Happy Hearts Day!

PS- Shout out to one of my dearest and closest friends.  She gets me!  Here's my 'Valentine's Day Card':

That's right.  Bacon roses.  LOVE.  HER.

Butterscotch Brownie Recipe:
1/2 c (1 stick) unsalted butter
1 3/4 c packed brown sugar
2 eggs
2 c self-rising flour
1 tsp butter rum extract (I just use vanilla...turns out great!)
1 c chopped pecans or walnuts

1.  Grease 13X9 pan (cooking spray); oven at 350.
2.  Melt butter in medium saucepan, add everything else but nuts.  Mix; add nuts last.  
3.  Pour into dish, bake at 350 for 25 mins or until knife inserted inthe middle comes out clean.
4.  I serve mine warm from the oven, but I let it set in the pan for 30 minutes so the brownies can 'set up'...we like ours a little gooey-ier...(Is that even a word?)

Hope your day was filled with love!
xoxo Summer 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Fast forward. PLEASE.

Ever have one of those weeks that you wish you could fast forward to the next week? This is that week. What we initially thought was a stomach virus has turned into full blown diahrrea in the most horrible degree. I've missed all week at school, can't eat, and can barely cuddle my poor 20 pound son. I am miserable. The good news is that sweet Husby took me to the doctor today (I didn't have the strength to drive myself) and we did massive blood work and...other bodily fluids samples. I hope they narrow down the causes.

This being said I can only imagine what my colon would say to me if it could talk. (Awkward, right?). I have a pretty good idea. And I'm pretty sure it would 'look' like this:

Monday, February 11, 2013

Begging for Bacon

I'm a fat kid.  If you know me you understand.  So when I saw this on my computer at work, ya'll know I was THRILLED!  Nothing gets me going like a crispy bacon BLT sandwich.  Oh myLANTA, just imagining it gets me all excited... 
Then I got to thinking...what would I do with a tower of bacon like that?  Would I ever see my feet again?  Then I think of delicious bacon-y goodness dancing on my taste buds and looking at me feet seems asinine.     
Did you know there is a place in Washington...or Oregon?  I don't remember...anyways, they make maple bacon doughnuts.  I.  Would.  Die.  There is a reason God put me in Oklahoma.  I would be 500 pounds easy living in a 'foodie' place.
I leave you with this recipe.  It looks amazing.  I'm going to try it this weekend! 
Beer-Candied Bacon
1 lb thick-cut, high quality bacon
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup + 2 tbsp beer (I used Dogfish Head’s Chicory Stout)
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Combine brown sugar and beer in a small bowl, whisking well to form a thin syrup. Set aside.
Line a rimmed baking sheet with aluminum foil. Place a wire cooling rack on top. Place the pieces of bacon on top of the rack, overlapping if necessary. Place in oven and cook for 10 minutes.
Remove from oven and brush one side of the bacon with the beer syrup. Flip, and coat the other side with the syrup as well. Return to oven and cook for 10 minutes. Remove from oven, and repeat process another time or two more, until bacon is crispy and browned, and you’ve used all the glaze.
Cool on wire rack for at least 1 hour before serving.
Source: adapted from Oskar Blues Brewery

PS- To pass time during Nap Time today, Dearest Ms. Mansker (my aide) made up a tongue twister which is actually quite difficult...say this three times fast:  "Bass's Bacon Blog!"  Hard isn't it? HA!  She amazes me daily!...Then again, I also amaze myself...

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Water with a Brain

Having two kids being sick, and overcoming a wretched stomach virus myself, one tends to remember what made them feel better.  In the midst of attempting to cram fluids down my quite stubborn one year old, an idea hit my husband smack on his head.  She needs electrolytes... Smart Water has electrolytes.  I know this sounds nuts and you know where I'm going with this...stay with me...

Rylie is an unusual kid, she only drinks whole milk and water.  Pedialyte grosses her out and we hated sitting on her to get her to drink it.  Zach realized Smart Water had electrolytes 'added into it' (isn't that weird?!  I mean, who decides to add things like that to water??  Maybe that's why I DON'T get paid the big bucks...le sigh...)  Anywho.  We switched out her tap water with Smart Water and I kid you not, she seemed perkier and more energized after a few hours.    Who knew water would have a brain?  HA!

Wondering what else they add to water...

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Blogs, viruses, and exclamation points!

I'm not going to lie...since the birth of my second child, I have all but abandoned my poor blog which I used to love so much!  I have run out of steam and time!  I have also noticed I am unconsciously obsessed with ending every sentence with !....How strange is that?

Anyway.  I think New Year's Resolutions are a crock, but I am honestly going to try to blog more in 2013.  There was something therapeutic in it.  It was my time.  Not kiddo's time.  Not Husby's time.  Mine.  I need that!  Anyone out there get what I'm sayin?

I leave you on this chilly Saturday with this lovely tale...  I have spent the last four miserable days of my existence fighting off what I assumed was horrible gall bladder pain.  Come to find out yesterday morning (right in the midst of doing Circle Time with my Loves at school), it was a wretched stomach virus.  Five days of not 'using the bathroom' caught up with me.

Preface:  I have to have my gall bladder removed (two years straight of being pregnant can really do a girl in!) and I told my surgeon I wanted to wait til this summer because I have exhausted every single sick day I ever earned with two maternity leaves...  she told me I would eventually become completely constipated and nauseous... I would be miserable.  Oh, and the cramping would be unbearable.  Great.  Fantastic.  I LOVE it.

So when Monday rolled around, I had horrible, searing pain in my side.  "Oh, that's the pain she was talking about!"  Then I realized I hadn't pooped.  Then Tuesday.  No bathroom relief   I put every fibrous thing I could find in my body.  I drank water.  I did squats   Nothing.  Wednesday.  I was in such pain I could barely walk.  Sleeping was a joke.  Still no relief.  Thursday was a blur of pain.  I was so tempted to drive myself to the ER but I couldn't peel myself off the couch.  Then Friday came.  The pain suddenly stopped around 8 am. I found myself sprinting to the bathroom and the rest is history.  Three pounds lighter and finally well rested I can tell you I am finally a happy camper!

All that being said, I am going to put my oldest down for a nap and try to figure out how to re-vamp my blog :)  I love you all!

Happy Saturday!