Love of my life:
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
National Cat Day
Happy Cat Day, Yall! Go out and hug a kitty. It's life changing. (For some, also airway restricting. But God gave us Benadryl. So DO IT!).
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Tom's of Maine!
I'm still on this hollistic rant you guys. That being said, a friend in CA recommend I try Tom's of Maine products. I checked out their website and I was pleased with what I found.
All of their products are made from naturally derived, God given earth elements. ( I know I sound like a flower child hippie, but near with me).
I am sold! I can't believe how awesome it is! (TMI, I sweat like the Mexican that I am so I normally have to buy that Secret clinical strength business)....
I does take a bit to get used to at first. The product has to sort of absorb into your skin and it's almost like you put on too much gel deodorant and you are waiting for it to dry. It lasts a few minutes but it's worth it.
I chose lavender because I thought I would like the calming scent. Turns out I looked like a weirdo all day smelling my underarms and sighing happily, relaxed. I'll have to work on that....
All day I never felt sweaty or smelled like I ran a marathon (which is ironic because o never ever have done any sort of athletic anything). I felt like I was wearing good ol regular deodorant.
Then, came the TEST! I literally have to use a bar of soap in the shower soley to scrub my underarms to remove previous deodorant reside or shaving doesn't happen. If I don't use the soap my pits get sticky and gross. (Isn't that so strange?). ANYWAY. This morning I had no problem using my regular Dove body wash and didn't have to resort to skin drying Dial! I know this is probably one of the weirdest things I've ever read by this is my shower struggle. And I loathe it. And now it's gone!!
Thank you Tom's of Maine for making my morning more manageable. I am now a solid customer!!
Next week, I'm trying their tooth paste!
Sweat free!
XOXO Summer
Monday, October 13, 2014
Yall. I am so in love.
Elmo has been with me through thick and thin.
Mostly us being thick.....
I love how his little cat toes are all flappy because he ripped out his 'claw suture glue' when he was a wee one after his declaw surgery.
I love the way he always shoves his soft head in my face for a kissy.
His smell is indescribably sweet, like strawberries, mainly because he sleeps in clean laundry (much to my Husby's dismay)...
And most importantly, I love the way he is always waiting for me every night when I get home from work. Such a faithful man. So endearing. An hairy. MMMMMMMM how I love Elmo.
Who is your MCM?
XOXO Summer
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Make your own....Cream of Chicken Soup
Preservatives are in almost everything we eat these days and it sorta freaks me out that my kids annihilate their food without even tasting it so I want to make sure at least 1/2 of what they are eating won't preserve THEM. (Call me ridiculous, what ever. Don't call me when your kid gets diabetes....)
I found a simple recipe on Pinterest and I'm quite pleased with the outcome!
I used my own chicken stock from cooking a chicken in the crockpot (poured juices thru a strainer into a container. Let sit in fridge for a day, scraped off top fat layer-GAG- and voila!) I only had to use about 1/3 c of store bought broth! So I technically made two cream of chicken soup 'cans' for less than a buck!
Here's the link to the recipe:
I followed the directions exactly and then I blended everything with an immersion blender because I didn't like the texture (it was lumpy from the flour).
Y'all , it tastes like chicken gravy. Which should be its own food group in my opinion.
Eat. Pray. Chicken.
XOXO Summer
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Bar graphs and color wheels
Y'all, I have always prided myself in being some what mechanically and technologically talented. I can take apart and reassemble a cell phone. Fanangle car buttons. Fix broken parts- mostly.
Then I drove my parents new car this morning. Holy whiplash.
There are buttons and toggles and meters that read things I did not even knew existed!
And math. I hate math. And this fancy schmancy thing had bar graphs on the main dash display, ya'll. What am I supposed to do with that?!
Apparently it's a hybrid and Toyota prides itself on how economical it is to drive. I was just waiting on the blasted thing to pump out a latte or muffin or something. (A machine this high tech much to SOMETHING useful to me....)
My first caution sign should have been my dad's initial instruction: "when you push the start button you won't hear anything but when the 'ready' light goes on you can drive." What?! That sounds like microwave instructions. Ready light?? Are we launching into outer space?
It was a blast to drive (praise the sweet Lord TPD is too busy busting gang members to pull over crazy women drivers UNLIKE myself). This puppy goes pretty fast (compared to the minivan!)
Sadly, at the end of work I drove it home and turned over the 'keys' to my parentals. I hope they come to visit again soon. It was fun pretending to be cool for a day....
Good job, Toyota! Now figure out how to add a toaster oven and soda dispenser in your 'hybrid hoop ties' and I'll forever drive one.
Minivan for sale,
XOXO Summer
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Thin hair, don't care!
Yall, I've battled thin, stringy hair all of my life. I've tried every product under the sun to thicken, voluminize, and de-grease my mane and failed miserably. Until a trip to Ulta with Bestie JJ (new peep, new name).
'Not Your Mother's Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray'
And 'Got2B Volumizing Powder'.
Life changing.
Sea salt spray added texture to my five hair giving it a fuller appearance that lasts allllllllll day.
I spray it all over after I wash my hair before I blow dry.
Then I let my still warm hair set in Velcro rollers while I out on my make up.
When it's time to take out the rollers I brush my hair down a tad and sprinkle ge powder in the palm of my hand and rub the stuff in between my fingers to evenly distribute through the front and crown of my head. This magic stuff keeps all day! (I do have to use a decent amount every time I use it but it's much cheaper Han other brands and Ulta does buy one get one 1/2 off all the time so it's worth it.). Oh, you can also snag it at Walmart or even Walgreens. Awesome!
Anyway. Then I spray my hair with hair spray and I'm good.
Yay for hair!
XOXO Summer
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Ode to my Heating Pad
Ode to my Heating Pad
You are so warm and very squishy,
I like to feel you on my tushie
Your heated surface can do no wrong,
I could lay on you and sing a song.
My back feels better with every surge,
My painful spasms you do purge.
Please oh please keep my tail bone warm,
I will coo at you in meow cat form.
The relief you give me is delicious.
Zebra cakes are quite nutritious.
Stay in my life, till death do us part.
Please don't judge me if I fart.
I feel so warm and quite relieved.
The feeling is just like I peed.
Warm sensations every where.
In my knees, and in my hair.
Heating pad I love you so,
Let's go sleep next to our Elmo.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Kung Fu Grandma
Y'all, from now on there is no excuse NOT to defend yourself you get robbed. Let me explain.
A somewhat elderly, somewhat disabled- and by disabled I mean she was on an oxygent tank!!!!!!!- fought off a masked man who attempted to rob her and her husband in their home.
The guy walked in and the woman demanded he 'put down his gun'. Stupid man that he was declared he didn't have a gun- thus initiating the attack. The woman (true story,y'all) went after the guy with her wooden backscratcher and beat him so dang bad he ran out, leaving a blood trail behind him.
Let me side step right quick. This is not the first time the woman used said scratcher as a defense mechanism. She 'fought off' bats last year. True story. Bats.
Low and behold, the cops found the guy and the rest is history. The moral? Anything could be a weapon. Stapler. Solo cup. Couch pillow. Get it girl.
Feeling motivated to walk down a dark alley,
XOXO Summer
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
New Chapter
Many of you know. Many of you don't. I have 'turned in my teaching tools' and I am taking a giant leap into a completely different element that is so foreign to me it's terrifying.
I have prayed about it. Cried about it. And cheered about it. God has prepared me and I could not be more excited!!
Today is my first day at State Farm Headquarters as a claims assistant in the fire claims department. I have no idea what to expect but I know in my heart this is where I need to be.
Please pray for me. Pray that I find happiness and fulfillment in my new career choice. And pray for my little family that we might easily adjust to this new exciting change.
Cheers to new life chapters!
XOXO Summer
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Meat. Balls.
I have received soecial requests for my meatball recipe. Grab a pen, here we go!
Meatballs for spaghetti:
1 lb high quality ground beef (I never use less than 80/20)
1 pkg powdered spaghetti sauce mix (trust me)
1 tsp jarred, minced garlic- only if uou have it in hand. Gives the meat a kick.
Mix 3 ingredients up. Form golf ball size meatballs. It's best to cook them on stovetop on medium heat. Rotate meat as each side browns. The 'darker' they turn out the crisper the crust will be- the meat will hold up better when in sauce. If they start to burn add a few TB of water to your pan every now and then.
I'm not Martha Stewart, y'all. I just add the cooked meatballs into jarred sauce and toss with cooked pasta.
Let me know what you think!!
Ciao, Summer
Ninja KICK!
So. I live on the wild side. I'm always up for an adventure. I thrive on living on the edge. When Bestie LaLa (previously Bestie Aide) asked me to accompany her to a quiet, uneventful park day I was down like a clown. (I know y'all missed my ridiculous phrases!)
I showed up, two excited people in tow. We were ready for a safe, fun day. Then I got gutsy.
It's called a spinner. And I almost died on it.
You stand on the bottom circle and hold onto the top circle. For dear life. And you spin.
Let me pause to remind you of two things. 1). I left my job in March. I have ZERO health insurance. 2). I outweigh my almost three year old by a gazillion pounds. More weight= faster you go. I tried explaining inertia to Bestie Aide but I'm quite sure I lost her at inertia.
Bee hops on and looks so cute! 'Mommy, you go!' Sure! No problem. Whatever you want, Kiddo.
I hoist my large self up onto said spinner and slowly begin to rotate. I'm feeling good. Wind in my hair. Laughter. Giddy. But then I started to really really pivot. Super fast. Imagine a large screaming bolt of lightning. I call out to Bestie Lala.
'Just stick your leg out!!' she cries. And that, my friends, is when I took flight.
Everything happened in slow motion. I stuck out my left leg like a hippo peeing on a tree and felt my not so graceful self levitate into a death roll spiral. When I landed, I was sprawled out like a dead cowboy in a shoot out.
Everyone stopped. My kids stared. Y'all, even the German Shepard across the street stopped barking.
I laid on the forgiving rubber ground for a good long while. When I realized I hadn't died, I manged to peel myself up and laugh it off.
At lunch later, we relived the moment at least 100 times. I concluded, after Bestie Lala's review of the 'flight' that I looked something like this:
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
I'm baaaaak!
Friends. This year has most definetely had its ups and downs. God has challenged me and pushed me to the limit but I have persevered.
That being said, cheery ol me has gone through a writers block the size of Texas. Depression can do that to ya. I'm not gonna lie, since I left my teaching position in March, I have gained 25 pounds and my diligence with laundry has all but fizzled. Like a firework in a rain storm.
But, dear friends, things are looking up. My supportive family, loving friends and FANTASTIC hubby helped me crawl out of my pit of sorrow and I am finally seeing the light!
Through this crazy journey I have managed to be a better mommy to Bee and Turtle, spend quality time with those whom I love dearly, and oh yeah. Husby found a puppy. (His name is Jake. He is 7 weeks old and 20 pounds. Pretty sure he isn't a yorkie...)
I am back to writing and loving life. So grab sunscreen and hold onto your boots. It's ALWAYS sunny with Summer and I'm beaming with UV rays!
XOXO Summer
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
We all live in a yellow submarine...
So. I have been meaning to rant about this story for a while but life happened.
Two 'educated' parents epically fail at an attempt to go around the world in a sailboat. With TWO toddlers. And no one questioned their mental health. Or parenting. Seriously.
Let me just say this. I know everyone is entitled to their own opinions and whatnot. I get it. But COME on!
Clearly this was a suicide mission. I HAVE two small toddlers myself. They can't even handle being in a car together for a 20 minute ride to Target. You think they would make it 1 hour in a sail boat. In open water. With no Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or yard to run in? Doubt it.
And the parents. Let's talk about that for a moment. What were they going to do for food? Or more importantly, wine? There is no way on God's green earth my Husby could get me in a confined space with just the four of us in a rocking 'house' for over a year with nothing to drink but water. I highly doubt the Pacific Ocean had a drive thru liquor store. Or Mc Donald's. (Someone should look into that....might be decent money in it....)
And lastly. Y'all what happens when someone's stomach is upset? Not just 'oh I need some mylanta'. I'm talking full on, 'clear the room, what did he eat' stomach issues. Like the ones that really test the strength of a marriage. Do you just throw that person overboard with a life preserver until it 'passes'?
I feel like these people did NOT think this through despite their feeble attempts at explaining themselves. Get it together people. Seriously.
Hoping my children can handle being cooped up due to rain tomorrow (praise Jesus we don't have a boat!!)
XOXO Summer
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Cheddar Coins
An amazing road trip this weekend with Besties means I'm cooking up a storm before hand! (Y'all know I gotta eat every hour!). I found this gem in my latest Good Housekeeping magazine. YUMMY! They are like cheesy, savory cookies-but NOT sweet!
Ready for the low down?
1 1/2 c flour
1 1/2 c shredded cheddar cheese
1 TB corn starch
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper (I used chili powder)
10 TB butter, cold, cut into pieces-- you HAVE to use the real deal in this recipe!!
Combine everything but butter in food processor. When mostly combined, add butter cubes. Combine for 1-2 minutes, you'll know it's ready because a dough ball of cheesy, heavenly goodness will magically appear.
Form into ball, chill for 2 hrs (or 15 mins in freezer).
Roll dough into 1/4 in thickness, cut out and place on cookie sheet. I am cheap so I used a glass turned upside down as a cookie cutter. I used a silpat (EVERYONE NEEDS ONE!!) but parchment paper also works well in your cookie sheet.
Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. These cheesy guys don't rise, so watch carefully at around 13 minutes.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Just keep spinning...
Dear friends. The life span of an average hamster is 1-2 years. I know this because I inherited one from a dear friend from school. And I knew nothing about hamsters when I naïvely agreed to inherit my new furry buddy.
His name is PJ (Percy Jeffrey). He was one year old when he shuffled into my world. We instantly bonded. And by bonded I mean he escaped from his hamster ball in a chaotically unorganized pre-k classroom I was putting together last summer. There was panic. Mostly on my end (I assume). And some screaming. (Definitely on my end). Turns out, PJ feels right at home balled up in a kiddo cubby. Who knew?
PJ was supposed to live at school. But I felt bad for him during the weekends so I brought him home to Bee and Turtle.
Clearly the air-head in me thought this thru. Yes, he will have a calm, relaxing, quiet weekend at school. Let's take him on vacation every Fri-Sun at a place where toddlers HURL things across the room and shove sharp objects in small spaces. (Don't believe me? I just found toddler silverware in our AIR CONDITIONING VENT in the kitchen). Let's do it. PJ put on his game face. And sure enough, his poor cage was over turned in less than an hour.
He survived. And persevered. And in fact, he is still alive and kicking. Literally. (He has learned some hamster defense moves since moving into our living room).
And shockingly, he may only eat once or twice a week- I tend to forget he needs sustenance....only sometimes. Often. Whatever. He stashes food. And he still lives!!
Elmo, cat king, has established quite a relationship with him also. One would think a small rodent being in the presence of a morbidly obese feline would tend to shave months off of the small being. Adherently no. It's almost extended his life. I mean, he is now on THREE years. That's fantastic! Elmo talks to him daily. I'm currently researching hamster vitamins.
I end this rant with a wheel. A hamster wheel. I am convinced cardiovascular health is the key to PJ's longevity. No matter how rough his day, I hear him hauling his hind end off on that blasted hamster wheel. Seriously he runs it like he is in fire. If PJ were a person he would be competing in Ironmans and Olympic activities. I know the toddler snacks my Loves 'gently' shove in his cage aren't pills of youthfulness. It's gotta be the wheel.
Now I'm thinking. I know, hold into y'all's seats. Can I get a hamster wheel? How does one go about inheriting a person sized wheel?? Would I break my collar bone (again)? How fast could I go? What if my t-rex arms can't support me if I start to spin with the wheel? Maybe it's best I leave the wheeling up to PJ. After all, it's keeping the old guy alive!!!
What other animal toys can I use??
XOXO Summer
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Stir-Fried Leeks w/ Salt & Pepper Shrimp
Oh Ya'll! This dish was SO GOOD! And SO SPICY. My poor babes enthusiastically munched down the shrimp until they could barely handle it and ended up with yogurt and milk to soothe their poor mouths. Even I thought it was too spicy. So here's what I did, feel free to omit or add what you want to change the heat factor.
Stir-Fried Leeks w/ Salt and Pepper Shrimp
For Shrimp:
2 tsp sesame seeds-- toasted (I didn't have any so I skipped 'em)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp red pepper flakes-- seriously skipping this next time!
1/2 tsp sugar
1 lb large shrimp, peeled (I took the extra five minutes to yank the tails off each one as I was rinsing them) *Aldi's grocery store sells a 1 lb bag of these raw babes for under $10. Good quality!!
For Stir-Fry:
2 TB peanut oil (I used canola)
2 tsp ginger (I had dried...)
6 cups sliced-- thinly-- leeks (I just bought a 'bunch' which was 3 stalks)-- finally found them at Super one else has them in yet...
1/4 c diced red bell pepper
1/4 c chicken broth
2 tsp soy sauce
For shrimp:
Toss cleaned shrimp in mixture of salt, pepper, & sugar. Stir fry in pan of 2 TB oil until firm. Cooking shrimp takes literally 2 minutes. Pink on outside. Firm to touch. DONE.
Remove shrimp from heat, set aside.
Take a minute to start to boil some water for some minute rice (in another pot). Stir fry your leeks and red bell pepper and ginger in another 1 TB of oil (in same pan shrimp were in). When the mixture cooks down and soaks up the moisture, add the chicken broth and soy sauce. YUMMY! I let my leeks cook way down in the broth, this took about 10 minutes. Perfect for the rice to cook and be ready at the same time.
Plate it out and enjoy!
What are you eating tonite?
XOXO Summer
Thanks so much, Cuisine at Home for your delish recipe! You never fail me!
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Pizza! Pizza!
Poptarts. Pizza. My rambunctious Bass Babes are quite particular in certain things. It is definitely safe to say that my 1 1/2 yr old is as much of a foodie as I am. He eats sushi and edamame for crying out loud.
Our newest obsession? Pizza. Any way, shape, or form. If Turtle sees it on a billboard whilst car riding he screams bloody murder until he is konked out or sees a bus. (God help us, busses are also a big deal....)
One night I toiled and slaved away over a twenty minute dinner-shocking I know- and we sat down to eat. My husband said, 'Bubba, do you want pizza?' And that was it. I had a flailing, screaming, MAD toddler on my hands that wanted nothing to do with the dinner I presented him on a plastic, toddler sized platter. He refused to eat because it was not pizza. And he wouldn't eat anything else we had at home. He loves pizza just that much.
Bubba doesn't care how steaming hot the pizza is. He doesn't care if there are gross veggies on it. He doesn't even require ranch dip. The kid simply wants crust and cheese with tangy marinara.
A sweet friend took us out for lunch a few weeks ago. I had to order two kids pizzas (6 slices each, mind you), and both of my children scarfed the entirety of pizzas in less than 15 minutes. Like a hyena on a wildabeast. Not my proudest mommy moment.
I suppose I should be grateful. Three months ago the obsession was poptarts. He had it bad for poptarts.
One time, on the way to church, I had to pull over to the nearest gas staton to buy the boy a poptart because we didn't have time to eat one before leaving the house. He was shaking he was so distraught. Then as soon as the sweet pastry was in his grasp he LITERALLY KISSED IT before demolishing it.
I wonder what the new food craving will be soon. Hopefully not steak and potatoes. Or lobster bisque. Or baked Alaska....
What are you craving?
XOXO Summer
Friday, March 28, 2014
Friday Five-Food Crawl
You know you have a true friend when they will share good with you in the back of a minivan with four small children.
Today Bestie Super Mom (Super for short) and I introduced our poor children the art of being a foodie. Mind you one child will choose carrots and peas over junk food and cake, another child (mine, ironically) is only really interested in something worthy of being dipped in ranch THEN ketchup.
Here' goes!
1. ITR (In the Raw) food truck was FAB! Bestie Super got California Rolls and I ordered NY Rolls. We concluded the difference was hers were crab, my NY rolls were shrimp. And something in the NY was almost sweet. Bestie Super's California Rolls were perfectly savory and just the right amount of 'seafood'. Could. Not. Get. Enough. Even Turtle had a few! (Bee just decided to 'dip' herself in the soy sauce...Sigh...
2. The Bone Pile Food Truck. Oh my word! Ya'll hold onto your bar stools! We discovered bacon tacos served with fresh lettuce, pico de gallo, guac and a spicy mayo. Let me first say this. I HATE mayo but this stuff was so good and not quite fire burning that it really made the tacos. Life changing. Must have more. I talked to the sweet people in the truck (I practically climbed in myself to eat more bacon....luckily I'm short and those trucks are tall...) and they told me they were in the process of opening a restaurant but for now you can find them on Facebook and their awesome food truck is in Owasso. Clearly I will be making some road trips in the near future.
3. Bestie Super also ordered a cheeseburger which was divine! The kiddos helped her devour it, I stole a few bites! And their fries? Wowza! They are super crispy yet thick and the spice they put on them hits the spot. Salty with a kick.
4. Momma, this will make you smile. My minivan. Spring is a tad moody here in these parts, and it was chilly. Too cold to just plop down on some grass nonchalantly with a bacon taco. We literally shoved strollers to front seats and blanketed the back of my van and had a lil picnic. The kids were a tad spastic until we fed them and then we former teachers had quite a feeling of success when they sat quietly. For three minutes. HA!
5. Good friends. The past three weeks have been quite challenging for me and Bestie Super really helped me get out of my funk and embrace life's changes. And she ate bacon with me. That enhances any relationship as far as I'm concerned.
Happy Weekend, Ya'll!
XOXO Summer
Here' goes!
1. ITR (In the Raw) food truck was FAB! Bestie Super got California Rolls and I ordered NY Rolls. We concluded the difference was hers were crab, my NY rolls were shrimp. And something in the NY was almost sweet. Bestie Super's California Rolls were perfectly savory and just the right amount of 'seafood'. Could. Not. Get. Enough. Even Turtle had a few! (Bee just decided to 'dip' herself in the soy sauce...Sigh...
ITR![]() |
Explaining Sushi...they were not thrilled! |
2. The Bone Pile Food Truck. Oh my word! Ya'll hold onto your bar stools! We discovered bacon tacos served with fresh lettuce, pico de gallo, guac and a spicy mayo. Let me first say this. I HATE mayo but this stuff was so good and not quite fire burning that it really made the tacos. Life changing. Must have more. I talked to the sweet people in the truck (I practically climbed in myself to eat more bacon....luckily I'm short and those trucks are tall...) and they told me they were in the process of opening a restaurant but for now you can find them on Facebook and their awesome food truck is in Owasso. Clearly I will be making some road trips in the near future.
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Bacon Tacos, Ya'll! |
4. Momma, this will make you smile. My minivan. Spring is a tad moody here in these parts, and it was chilly. Too cold to just plop down on some grass nonchalantly with a bacon taco. We literally shoved strollers to front seats and blanketed the back of my van and had a lil picnic. The kids were a tad spastic until we fed them and then we former teachers had quite a feeling of success when they sat quietly. For three minutes. HA!
Most angelic, sweet girl! Miss A! |
Mr. Personality! Gotta love Mr. G! |
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Sushi?! |
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G and Bee were a bit more excited about their first food crawl! (See the soy sauce on her skirt?!) |
Thank you sweet stranger who took this. Bestie Super was getting our food! |
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Sweet Babes |
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Love. Her. |
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Food crawl = Food coma |
XOXO Summer
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Monday, March 24, 2014
Marinated Grilled Chicken and Tomatoes
Ya'll I am on a cooking roll!!! And I did some research, last night's recipe and today's are actually from Prevention Magazine. Who knew? So, these dishes are also presumed to be healthy! YAY!
I served the chicken and tomatoes with 'garlic pull apart bread' and corn. (Another blog about the garlic bread another time, promise!)
The chicken was delish! Here's how I did it:
Marinated Grilled Chicken and Tomatoes
3 TB balsamic vinegar (this REALLY made the marinade! Don't cheat with regular vinegar!)
2 tsp Dijon mustard
3 TB olive oil
1 tsp minced garlic (jarred garlic is always a staple in my fridge)
2 medium tomatoes, quartered
1 onion, sliced
1 1/2 lb chicken breasts
Combine all ingredients EXCEPT tomatoes. I made the marinade the night before, poured it over the onions and frozen chicken breasts I had, and let it thaw and absorb the juicy goodness overnight.
You could grill this outside for amazing 'grill' taste, but I used my trusty cast iron skillet grill I could use on my stove top. Once I was ready to start cooking, I used a med-LOW heat so the chicken would be juicy and cook evenly. If you get the skillet too hot, it will burn on the outside and be raw grossness on the inside.
I sprayed the grill with non stick spray, poured the chicken and onions and the marinade on top. I let it cook about 8 minutes on one side, and while I waited on that to cook, I quartered my tomatoes. I flipped my chicken and added the tomatoes. The dish took a bit to cook, the chicken was pretty thick. A meat thermometer should read 165 degrees for optimum 'doneness'. :)
I hope ya'll try this in the summer time. It will definitely be a fun grill meal!
How was your Monday?
XOXO Summer
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Bow Ties with Bacon and Peas
Ya'll, this dish is SO YUMMY! Thank you Prevention Magazine!
You will need:
Bow Ties with Bacon and Peas
3 slices of bacon (ya'll know I used three times that......)
3 med. leeks (only white, pale green parts)-- 4 c.
1 1/2 c frozen peas (I used what I had-- 1 CAN canned petite green peas)
1 box bow tie pasta
2 lg eggs
1/2 c finely grated Parmesan (I normally use freshly grated but I had a ton of that powdery 'fake' parm just sitting there....I hate that stuff but it worked for this!)
- Boil pasta in water-- you will be saving some pasta water!
- Cook bacon in a large skillet, make it crispy. Drain on paper towel, save grease and cook chopped leeks in it for about 7 minutes until golden. Add peas, cook another 3 minutes. Reserve in skillet off heat.
- When pasta is done, reserve 1 cup pasta water. You are going to whisk (in a separate bowl) 1/4 c of the cheese, 1 tsp pepper, 2 eggs, and pasta water. SLOWLY add water, you don't want to cook the eggs in the hot water and get weird eggy lumps (GROSS).
- Add egg mixture and pasta to skillet of vegetables on a medium heat. Stir constantly, the eggs will cook fast. The cheese and egg mixture make this amazing coating on the pasta. It's yummy! This process only takes about 3 minutes-- the mixture should coat all of the pasta. Top with bacon and remaining cheese. YUMMO!
**Ya'll should know, I couldn't find leeks at Aldi's or Target, my primary grocery stores and I never had time to scope out Whole Foods...So I used 1/2 a chopped green pepper and I cooked it the same time as the recipes calls for the leeks. It still turned out great! But leeks are a super food, I encourage you to try it as is!**
What did you cook up Sunday?
XOXO Summer
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