Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Kung Fu Grandma

Y'all, from now on there is no excuse NOT to defend yourself you get robbed. Let me explain. 

A somewhat elderly, somewhat disabled- and by disabled I mean she was on an oxygent tank!!!!!!!- fought off a masked man who attempted to rob her and her husband in their home. 

The guy walked in and the woman demanded he 'put down his gun'. Stupid man that he was declared he didn't have a gun- thus initiating the attack. The woman (true story,y'all) went after the guy with her wooden backscratcher and beat him so dang bad he ran out, leaving a blood trail behind him. 

Let me side step right quick. This is not the first time the woman used said scratcher as a defense mechanism. She 'fought off' bats last year. True story. Bats. 

Low and behold, the cops found the guy and the rest is history. The moral? Anything could be a weapon. Stapler. Solo cup. Couch pillow. Get it girl. 

Feeling motivated to walk down a dark alley, 
XOXO Summer

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