Tuesday, June 10, 2014

I'm baaaaak!

Friends. This year has most definetely had its ups and downs. God has challenged me and pushed me to the limit but I have persevered.

That being said, cheery ol me has gone through a writers block the size of Texas. Depression can do that to ya. I'm not gonna lie, since I left my teaching position in March, I have gained 25 pounds and my diligence with laundry has all but fizzled. Like a firework in a rain storm. 

But, dear friends, things are looking up. My supportive family, loving friends and FANTASTIC hubby helped me crawl out of my pit of sorrow and I am finally seeing the light!

Through this crazy journey I have managed to be a better mommy to Bee and Turtle, spend quality time with those whom I love dearly, and oh yeah. Husby found a puppy.  (His name is Jake. He is 7 weeks old and 20 pounds. Pretty sure he isn't a yorkie...)

I am back to writing and loving life. So grab sunscreen and hold onto your boots. It's ALWAYS sunny with Summer and I'm beaming with UV rays! 

XOXO Summer

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