Tuesday, November 5, 2013

With This Ring...

So. I was checking my email online this morning as I always do. And I saw an article titled: "I do, to myself". 

 That's right. You can BUY a kit that includes ONE wedding ring, your own vows to read to....yourself, and affirmation cards to read to....yourself 'post honeymoon'. I don't know how to say awkward in a bunch of languages...but if I did, rest assured I would blurt them out HERE. 

 How full of yourself can one be? And my dear heavens, if you are that lonely, GET A CAT. Seriously. 

And what do you do if you are mad at yourself? Do you pay for marriage counseling? Ha- maybe you get a discount?? Do you give yourself the silent treatment?  

 It has rained all day and Bestie Aide and I are literally CRAWLING out the windows to escape our 'Loves'. How did you spend your rainy day? I hope to Smelly Cat it wasn't planning a wedding...to yourself...

 I DO! 
XOXO Summer

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