Monday, November 18, 2013

Thankfulness Day 18

If you really know me then you know how much I despise clothes. As modest as I  am about hiding my tummy and hind end, let it be known that when I am home alone, vacuuming, pants are not an option. 

Having said that and hopefully NOT freaked y'all out, I'm giving my thankfulness card to spandex, elastic, and yoga pants. Yeah, I went there. 

There is absolutely nothing more comforting than stretchy pants encompassing your curves somewhat gracefully as you smash down your third cupcake and diet coke. 

Sitting back in a cuisine induced trance and allowing your everything to expand is life changing.  When was the last time you sat back at Pizza Hut and relaxed were your pantaloons?  I thought so. Stuffed crust isn't just for pizza. Get out there with your expandable elastic and get ya some!

People wonder why I never dress up to go anywhere. HELLO?! I eat. It's what I do. I just don the appropriate attire. No one wants a muffin top next to their chicken fried steak. Spandex has made a less bumpy silhouette much more attainable. Amen!

Dear friends, one of my favorite sayings (seriously this will probably be in my tombstone should my Husby decide against a Meet the Fockers burial/urn for me)... "Spandex is a privilege, not a right."  Well y'all, I earned it and I'm going for the gold.  I wonder what gold tastes like...

If you can't stretch with the big girls, get out of the brownie batter. 
XOXO Summer

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