Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Thankfulness Day 6

I love food. I'm not a picky eater...unless mayo or anchovies are on the menu...GAG. But, God blessed me with stumpy apendatures, therefore my feeding my face every 3 hours has more than caught up with me. 

 Weight Watchers has helped me slowly climb out of the black hole that was my size 14 pants. I have been able to stay on track with the program almost 11 years (minus pregnancies...) 

 The program lets me eat WHATEVER I want, I just have to write it down. And for that, I am thankful! Many people are lucky to have fast metabolisms that process food at lightning speed...for others there is hope! Yes, it's almost like AA for foodies but ya'll, it's life changing! 

 Thank you Weight Watchers for sticking with me and giving me the ability to still have Snickers and calazones in my life. 

Counting points with a smile! 
XOXO Summer

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