Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Thankfulness Day 19

Today I'm thankful for Facebook. Don't judge me. Hear me out. 

Almost three years ago, on January 26, 2011 my life changed for the better in ways I only imagined. I was able to locate and TALK to my biological sister. 

It is such a crazy thing to not really look like anyone in my family my whole life and then suddenly be aware of this entire world and group of amazing people that are just. like. me. 

At my sweet cousin's wedding Aug 30, 2013. 

At my baby shower for Rylie. Never mind my baby belly! Isn't my sister BEEUTIFUL?

Sister is as solemn and serious as me!

Brother and I LOVE to eat. And drive fast trucks. And watch amazingly graphic movies. 

Our first time to meet!!

How lucky am I to have gained such an amazing family to add to my already fantastic one!! 

XOXO Summer 

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