Friday, November 15, 2013

Thankfulness Day 14

Thankfulness Day 14 was unfortunately overridden by my innate desire to sleep for more than 4 hours last night. Sorry... 

In lieu of the Facebook game of being given a number and writing information about yourself...I decided to jump on the band wagon...Thanks, Sabrina! :) 

 My number was 5...So be thankful it's Friday FIVE and you get to know a little more about me! 

 1. Bacon is my reason for being. But any other meat grosses me out to the point of just eating frosted flakes for dinner.

 2. All my life I have wanted to be a chef in a fancy schmancy restaurant. I can cook MOST things...but gravy. I miserably fail every. single. time. 

 3. If I could have unlimited access to a car dealership, I would drive a Ford Explorer. No lie. My husband think's I'm nuts. Ya'll can keep your Range Rovers and Benz's. I want my truck.

 4. When I'm in the shower I think I'm Faith Hill...or Shania Twain...I sound that good amazing the DOG sings along... 

 5. I have read every single Nancy Drew book out there. I know. I'm a super nerd. 

What number will you pick?
 XOXO Summer

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