Monday, November 11, 2013

Thankfulness Day 10 & 11

I know today is Veteran's Day, and of course I am forever grateful for everything our soldiers have done for our country. Goodness, I'm MARRIED to a Navy Veteran.   But honestly, I'm thankful for the amazing things men and women have done for our country and freedom and...bacon...every day. 

But let's get down to business. 

This. I am thankful for this. It's called the 'Hail Mary Burger' at Buffalo Wild Wings. And let me tell you, I was praisin' Mary after the divine concoction of beef, bacon, olives, and other random tasty morsels crammed into an almost overly seasoned bun--but not quite. 

Part two of this little ditty is what clouds are made out of in Heaven. Fried cheesecake bites. With caramel sauce. I cannot tell you how amazing they are because I almost passed out in sheer delight....or my pantaloons were progressively growing tighter and cutting off circulation to 73% of my body.... But I was conscious enough to glance over at Bestie Red just in time to see her pick her jaw up off the floor. Apparently it's inappropriate to suck and scrape out remaining caramel with the handle part of a fork?? News to me. 

Tums and Maalox are my new buds!
XOXO Summer 

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