Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thankfulness Leftovers

So I haven't quite had time to blog. So Ima wrap the last four days up with pictures. 

My sweet Auntie who buys me sparkly things!

Sweet toddlers!


Screwdrivers. To unlock bathrooms children lock themselves into. To wash their hands. Twice in 2 hours. 

3.  Vanilla probiotics. (And baths). 


Fall walks with Sweet Grandmother!

'Nuff said!
How did your Turkey Weekend go? 
XOXO Summer

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thankfulness Day 26

Today I am thankful for alarm clocks. I shall rephrase. I am thankful for alarm clocks that WORK. 

 Here's my 'life story' this morning. Husby and I moved out of Tulsa earlier this year, despite our jobs still being in the almost heart of the city. My commute to school, including dropping our Loves off at the sitter is approximately 45 minutes. 

Let's do some math. It takes 45 minutes to get to work. I have to report at 7:20 am. 

 It takes me about 30 minutes to get ready myself. Then I have to wrangle a crazy 2 year old into some sort of outfit and pray the baby doesn't need a breathing treatment as I stuff him into his wintery apparel. 

 I have to let the dog out and dig Elmo out of his warm, snug hidey hole in the laundry room so he can 'go potty' outside. Sometimes this is a challenge. Other days it is WWIII. 

 Once we are all decently dressed and half awake, I must promptly fasten the 'cooperating' kiddos in the car that I hopefully remembered to turn on 15 minutes before to defrost and warm up. Front door is locked and we are out the door! 

 Now let me tell you how TODAY went. I woke up at 6:45. This is approximately one hour later than I normally do. Bee woke up before me apparently becasue she already helped herself to a banana, some macaroon cookies, and half a loaf of bread. In my panicked stupor she showed me the 'POOP!' on the floor-- oh she was so proud-- and escorted me to 'Bubba's night night' room where she had lovingly attempted to peel and serve him a banana. In his crib. You can imagine my delight. 
 I stuffed myself into some sort of outfit, attempted a hairdo with greasy hair, and decided today was a sans-eyeliner day (this NEVER happens. Ya'll if I'm ever on Survivor, one of my three things to bring is eyeliner! And chapstick...I digress...). 

Kids dressed, cat wrangled, dog hiding...we head for the van. 

 Let me stop to tell you a fun fact. I promised Hubby if we bought the house we live in, he could turn the garage into his Man Cave. I am an idiot. It's like -8 degrees. The van doors have FROZEN shut because it's parked outside. I had to drag my poor children through the front part of the vehicle to get them securely in their carseats. 

 My neighbor was, of course, out there in her super fancy schmancy Suburban watching as she always does. I'm sure she thinks I'm a stellar mom. Whatever. Her chunky fingers can barely maneuver her death mobile. 

 The good news is when I got to work, finally, a sweet friend knew to automatically put a Diet Coke in my hand. I may not have showered or 'made my face' but I have 15 little Friends and Bestie Aide here to make me happy. And now today will be a good day. Oh, and it's my Friday. Can I get an Amen? 

 How did you survive your morning? XOXO Summer

Monday, November 25, 2013

Thankfulness Day 25

Today I am thankful that it is a two day work week.  And for heat wraps. And Tylenol. 

XOXO Summer

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Thankfulness Day 24

If you know me then this needs no explanation. 

How have your fulfilled your bacon craving today?
XOXO Summer

Thankfulness Day 22 (oops!)

I'm thankful for technology. And big sisters who can show me 'what to do'. 

XOXO Summer

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Thankfulness Day 23

Life. Too short but at times too tough. Every hill we climb is just a lesson on humbleness. And for some intelligence. I digress. 

Each of us are equipped with amazing talents and ways to help our journey through life be more 'bearable'.  I'd like to think Jesus has a sense of humor much like mine. So he understands if sometimes I just need a moment alone. With a chocolate brownie. 

Some people will challenge you. Others will make you want to scratch your eyes out. Those are God's polishing stones helping shape you into the gem that you are.  Some might be a little more 'polished' than others. Then there are those that need more polishing. I don't judge. 

Some friends in life are like a breath of fresh air after cleaning the cat box. You want to peel yourself and stick to them just so you can absorb their refreshing cheer and optimism. 

God gives you options. Yes life is a challenge. You can take each hill with grace and dignity. Or you can dig your own grave of self pity and annoying pessimism.  I'm not going to sit around and watch ya do it though. I have too much recorded on my TiVo. 

Wealth isn't measured in gold in my book. It's who you live with. Not just at home. At work. At the gas station. At the doctor office. It's how you treat people. The more smiles you pass out the richer you are. 

How will you live your life? Who will you share a maple bacon doughnut? How will you make someone feel rich I'm life?

Love one, love all. 
XOXO Summer

Friday, November 22, 2013

Thankfulness Day 21

I skipped yesterday. I was exhausted. But I had a sweet Little give me a wonderful present yesterday! It made me so happy!

XOXO Summer

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Thankfulness Day 20

I was never the 'religious' type as a teenager or young adult.  In fact, I had faith issues for a looooog time in my life.  Then one day, after having Zacharia, I felt my Grandmother's presence and I knew God was pressing into my heart to finally understand what was 'going on.'  And my Grandmother was there to cheer me on and let me know the weird, tingly feeling was ok.  I wasn't scared.  I was relieved.  It was like a breath of fresh air.  And my life has been fairy tales and rainbows ever since. 

Ok I'm stretching that a bit but seriously, God has changed my life in so many amazing ways!  Why was I not open to 'change' before?!?!?!
Then there's Beth Moore.  Bestie Red and I got to see her this past September.  I cannot even begin to tell you how powerful it was to accept Jesus as my savior with her holding my face.  (She is a pretty famous Christian celebrity...and she is from Texas.  It doesn't get any better than that!)

Less than a month later I was blessed to be baptized (again) with Bestie S.  Just when I thought having children or getting married...three times...would be the most impactful things I have ever done in my life, God throws me through a curve ball...or giant blue outdoor pool INSIDE a freezing church.  But being ceremoniously dunked in the water next to a girl who I knew was also letting go of a not so hot past and also chose to be my friend will be a memory I will NEVER EVER forget. 

Today was an especially hard day for me.  Struggles outside my realm of capabilities.  Friends that are hurting.  Colleagues who are conflicted.  We all feel like we are treading in deep, shark infested waters.  And this was in my mailbox today.

 I opened it up, slightly panicked that someone had stolen my credit card and used it to order a book from a Christian bookstore (ironic?).  And my heart stopped.  Beth Moore sent me a book!  An amazing book!  One she sells at her Living Proof Ministries.  And she sent me one!  How did she know I was going to have a bad day and cry through my bowl of soggy frosted flakes for dinner?  Who told her I almost threw in the towel today and walked away from something big?  What inspired her to send me a book to snap me back into focus? 

I have asked and prayed for so many things in the past year and I have been answered!  Sometimes it's not exactly what I want.  But I'd like to think God looks at life like jelly beans.  Some flavors suck but you will eat the whole bag.  Eventually.  And the black licorice ones won't kill you.  (Unless you are allergic to them.)  Then I'd really be prayin...

Singing praises!
XOXO Summer

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Thankfulness Day 19

Today I'm thankful for Facebook. Don't judge me. Hear me out. 

Almost three years ago, on January 26, 2011 my life changed for the better in ways I only imagined. I was able to locate and TALK to my biological sister. 

It is such a crazy thing to not really look like anyone in my family my whole life and then suddenly be aware of this entire world and group of amazing people that are just. like. me. 

At my sweet cousin's wedding Aug 30, 2013. 

At my baby shower for Rylie. Never mind my baby belly! Isn't my sister BEEUTIFUL?

Sister is as solemn and serious as me!

Brother and I LOVE to eat. And drive fast trucks. And watch amazingly graphic movies. 

Our first time to meet!!

How lucky am I to have gained such an amazing family to add to my already fantastic one!! 

XOXO Summer 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Thankfulness Day 18

If you really know me then you know how much I despise clothes. As modest as I  am about hiding my tummy and hind end, let it be known that when I am home alone, vacuuming, pants are not an option. 

Having said that and hopefully NOT freaked y'all out, I'm giving my thankfulness card to spandex, elastic, and yoga pants. Yeah, I went there. 

There is absolutely nothing more comforting than stretchy pants encompassing your curves somewhat gracefully as you smash down your third cupcake and diet coke. 

Sitting back in a cuisine induced trance and allowing your everything to expand is life changing.  When was the last time you sat back at Pizza Hut and relaxed were your pantaloons?  I thought so. Stuffed crust isn't just for pizza. Get out there with your expandable elastic and get ya some!

People wonder why I never dress up to go anywhere. HELLO?! I eat. It's what I do. I just don the appropriate attire. No one wants a muffin top next to their chicken fried steak. Spandex has made a less bumpy silhouette much more attainable. Amen!

Dear friends, one of my favorite sayings (seriously this will probably be in my tombstone should my Husby decide against a Meet the Fockers burial/urn for me)... "Spandex is a privilege, not a right."  Well y'all, I earned it and I'm going for the gold.  I wonder what gold tastes like...

If you can't stretch with the big girls, get out of the brownie batter. 
XOXO Summer

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Thankfulness Day 17

My sweet little family. God has blessed me in more ways than I can count!

XOXO Summer

Friday, November 15, 2013

Thankfulness Day 15

I'm thankful that I WON'T be wasting my time trying to snag tickets to this catastrophe America calls Miley Cyrus. 

Thankfulness Day 14

Thankfulness Day 14 was unfortunately overridden by my innate desire to sleep for more than 4 hours last night. Sorry... 

In lieu of the Facebook game of being given a number and writing information about yourself...I decided to jump on the band wagon...Thanks, Sabrina! :) 

 My number was 5...So be thankful it's Friday FIVE and you get to know a little more about me! 

 1. Bacon is my reason for being. But any other meat grosses me out to the point of just eating frosted flakes for dinner.

 2. All my life I have wanted to be a chef in a fancy schmancy restaurant. I can cook MOST things...but gravy. I miserably fail every. single. time. 

 3. If I could have unlimited access to a car dealership, I would drive a Ford Explorer. No lie. My husband think's I'm nuts. Ya'll can keep your Range Rovers and Benz's. I want my truck.

 4. When I'm in the shower I think I'm Faith Hill...or Shania Twain...I sound that good amazing the DOG sings along... 

 5. I have read every single Nancy Drew book out there. I know. I'm a super nerd. 

What number will you pick?
 XOXO Summer

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thankfulness Day 13

Throwback Thursday! 


My Mommy is one of the sweetest, strongest women I have ever known. And now my children get to call her Grandmother! I love you, Mommy! Thank you for all you have taught me and given me. 

XOXO Summer

Monday, November 11, 2013

Thankfulness Day 10 & 11

I know today is Veteran's Day, and of course I am forever grateful for everything our soldiers have done for our country. Goodness, I'm MARRIED to a Navy Veteran.   But honestly, I'm thankful for the amazing things men and women have done for our country and freedom and...bacon...every day. 

But let's get down to business. 

This. I am thankful for this. It's called the 'Hail Mary Burger' at Buffalo Wild Wings. And let me tell you, I was praisin' Mary after the divine concoction of beef, bacon, olives, and other random tasty morsels crammed into an almost overly seasoned bun--but not quite. 

Part two of this little ditty is what clouds are made out of in Heaven. Fried cheesecake bites. With caramel sauce. I cannot tell you how amazing they are because I almost passed out in sheer delight....or my pantaloons were progressively growing tighter and cutting off circulation to 73% of my body.... But I was conscious enough to glance over at Bestie Red just in time to see her pick her jaw up off the floor. Apparently it's inappropriate to suck and scrape out remaining caramel with the handle part of a fork?? News to me. 

Tums and Maalox are my new buds!
XOXO Summer 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Thankfulness Day 9

I tried out my own garden this year. It was a hopeless cause for a long while. Then Husby noticed I had tomatoes and carrots growing!! In November!!

Sadly the carrots are dinky...but they grew nevertheless.  So I suppose Percy is the thankful one...

Baby carrots are weird!
XOXO Summer

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thankfulness Day 7

Today I am thankful for my husband. He is a thrifty man who only buys things when they are on sale, saving us oodles of money! How lucky am I??

So lucky considering he found these super awesome ceiling fans on sale at Lowes for our babes. Once of a lifetime deal, he said. We need these he said.  I'll install it tonight he said. 

Low and behold, my amazing manly man stomped through the door oh so proudly wielding a discounted, sleek ceiling fan. Yay! Good job, Husby!!

He bought the one WITHOUT a light fixture. 

Looking for a flashlight, 
XOXO Summer

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Thankfulness Day 6

I love food. I'm not a picky eater...unless mayo or anchovies are on the menu...GAG. But, God blessed me with stumpy apendatures, therefore my feeding my face every 3 hours has more than caught up with me. 

 Weight Watchers has helped me slowly climb out of the black hole that was my size 14 pants. I have been able to stay on track with the program almost 11 years (minus pregnancies...) 

 The program lets me eat WHATEVER I want, I just have to write it down. And for that, I am thankful! Many people are lucky to have fast metabolisms that process food at lightning speed...for others there is hope! Yes, it's almost like AA for foodies but ya'll, it's life changing! 

 Thank you Weight Watchers for sticking with me and giving me the ability to still have Snickers and calazones in my life. 

Counting points with a smile! 
XOXO Summer

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Thankfulness Day 5

Two words. Smelly Cat. 

He was a birthday gift from Bestie Aide. He. Is. Life. Changing. 

In reality he is a Scentsy buddy. (Stuffed animal with a scented pouch inserted in his....backside...). He smells wonderful!

Smelly Cat lives in our classroom. And whenever we have a not so fragrant Little Love, or the kiddos get beans and broccoli for lunch, you better believe we have a death clutch on Smelly. The beautiful part is that our kids think we are just hugging Smely Cat. Little do they know we are kindly deflecting the toot they act like no one heard. Or smelled. 

Thankfulness. Amen!
XOXO Summer

With This Ring...

So. I was checking my email online this morning as I always do. And I saw an article titled: "I do, to myself". 

 That's right. You can BUY a kit that includes ONE wedding ring, your own vows to read to....yourself, and affirmation cards to read to....yourself 'post honeymoon'. I don't know how to say awkward in a bunch of languages...but if I did, rest assured I would blurt them out HERE. 

 How full of yourself can one be? And my dear heavens, if you are that lonely, GET A CAT. Seriously. 

And what do you do if you are mad at yourself? Do you pay for marriage counseling? Ha- maybe you get a discount?? Do you give yourself the silent treatment?  

 It has rained all day and Bestie Aide and I are literally CRAWLING out the windows to escape our 'Loves'. How did you spend your rainy day? I hope to Smelly Cat it wasn't planning a yourself...

 I DO! 
XOXO Summer

Monday, November 4, 2013

Thankfulness Day 4

Today is opposite day in my world. So here's what I'm "THANKFUL" for. 

 I'm thankful for Daylight Savings Time. I'm grateful for my children being sick and cranky at ready for bed at 5:30 pm. 

And does the thankfulness stop? OH NO dear friends. I'm overflowing with it today! (Remember, it's opposite day!!)

 Thankfulness is the face I made at FOUR AM this morning when my lovey, sweet, QUIET two year old came barreling into our bedroom "Mama, Dada, NIGHT night!!". 

 She deposited all of her baby doll accessories and proceeded down the hall announcing to the entire subdivision that it was time to wake up. Before I could heave myself out of my cocoon and stop her, she rallied her stuffed animals in Bubba's room to greet him at the fine hour of FOUR AM. 

 Daylight Savings is not my favorite time of year anymore. I am slowly learning to dread it. There is not enough diet coke or vitamin B to get me through today. If only I had some bacon... 

 Sleep walking isn't just for zombies and vampires anymore... 
XOXO Summer

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Thankfulness Day 3

***every single example or story in this blog I have written today is 100% true!!***

Friends. They love you no matter how loud you are, ridiculous you dress, or crazy you drive. Seriously. 

Today at a restaurant I poured my heart out to three very close friends. And walked away with a smile on my face.  One friend probably should have picked her jaw up from the floor.... Another's face was so red from laughing it matched her hair... Just sayin. These girls now know more about me than 98% of people in my life. The other  2% are Elmo-my cat and Bestie Anne who grew up with me, and who, ironically is just as sweet, funny, and yes, loud!

I digress. Friends bring out the best in you. They tell you thing spouses might be too scared to tell you. 'Hey that shirt makes you lol pregnant.'  'I can see your polka dots'- I would like to point out that poor Ms. Mansker has seen many MANY sides of Summer.... Including accidental undie flashes...she deserves an award fashioned of green tea and kit kats!!

Friends laugh with you. Like when you cram 1/2 a bowl of Ramen noodles in your mouth and bestie flashes the camera. You literally stop in the middle of an intersection because there is a bee in your car. You try on animal print skinny pants even when you may not be quite that skinny just for a photo op. 

My newest friendship- Bestie Aide- makes me laugh and smile alllll day long!  We are so happy in our cocoon of friendship we can complete each other's sentences. Weird? Naah. Weird would be spoon feeding and monkey grooming (siting on shoulders scratching hair!)

Friends also take care of friends.  Bestie Candace brought me my favorite soup to me back when we were in college because I couldn't get out of bed and Elmo didn't know how to use the can opener. Who knew ten years later I'd be bringing her support and love and packages of hilarity when she was bed ridden in the hospital. 

True friends forgive. Like when you use their napkin. Laugh 'with' them in a dressing room. Puke in their car. And cook a pizza upside down in their oven with the plastic wrap still attached!

I'm very blessed to have an amazing family AND friends who support and love me for all of my zany spontaneity. But there are others who aren't as close to their family. FRIENDS are their family. And I have found that those friends are the ones who are truly an extension of my family! 

The world was built on love. Keep it moving, my friends!!  No one deserves to be lonely and you'd be surprised what you learn about a person just from a three minute conversation.  And who knows, maybe they need a friend?  Or a cat?? It's whatever. Cats never tell your secrets but they do poop in a box which is weird. 

Bah I've gotten off track again. Hug a friend. Better yet buy them chocolate. And diet coke. 

XOXO Summer