Sunday, August 19, 2012

Shattered Mirror

     Last night I I attempted to watch Mirror Mirror with Julia Roberts and Lily Collins (Phil Collins' daughter).  I have heard such rave reviews about it and enjoyed watching all the exposure Julia Roberts gave it on talk shows.  Sadly, I was quite disappointed.  The special effects were super cool and the 7 dwarfs were amusing.  The story line was majorly lacking in a decent plot (it took quite a while to 'get to the point') and I was totally bored by that point.  Sad face.

     "Like most of Tarsem Singh's films, Mirror Mirror is undeniably beautiful -- but its treatment of the age-old Snow White fable lacks enough depth or originality to set it apart from the countless other adaptations of the tale." -Rotten Tomatoes

     How did it end?  I couldn't tell ya, I turned it off after Snow White eluded the Queen over something that had to do with her wedding?  Blah whatever...

     On a happy side note, I finally was able to finish Twilight's Breaking Dawn I and it. was. mind. blowing.  Can't wait for the finale in November!! 

     Hope ya'll had a fun day on Sunday.  We enjoyed the awesome weather and took Bee to her cousin's birthday (they are only a month apart!) at Braden Park and then she 'swam' at home.  Ah it's good to be a kiddo. 


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