Thursday, August 23, 2012

Oh Baby!

     We are officially a family of four!  I went in for my routine check up this past Monday and when my doctor checked to see how dilated I was, he accidentally broke my water!  14 hours later, our precious son arrived.  Needless to say, both of my labors were very different from each other!

     I am proud of myself-- my first meal at the hospital was full of whatever I wanted (I hadn't eaten in TWO and a HALF DAYS!)  but after that I tried very hard to balance out everything I ate.  No soda, and I upped my dairy/calcium intake.

     It's been almost four days and I'm still going strong!  I am writing everything down that I eat and really trying to be health conscious since I am nursing!  I just pray I can keep it up.  My amazing hubby has been quite the Dad, running around and helping me and our littles adjust to our new life...he goes back to work tomorrow, however.  Oh goody....

Zacharia Andrew Bass
August 21, 2012
7 lbs, 15 oz.

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