Sunday, June 2, 2013

Mary Mary Quite Contrary

In lieu off attempting to spend more time together, Husby and I decided to be pro landscapers on the south side of our is a brief picture 'story'of our evening together. 

Before... Can't you tell how thrilled to be doing this? Bahahahaha! 

Planting the three shrubs we picked out. Let me interrupt myself and point out his manly garden tool. That's right. It a plastic shovel. With Dora on it. Such a shovel wielding pro!

While Husby and Dora are job was to find rocks small enough to border the bushes. Low and behold I found the COOLEST caterpillar of. my. life. 
See him, he's almost albino! Fascinating!

I named him Cappy. About this time Husby decided to check out my rock hunt progress....lesson one: don't leave an ADHD person alone with a task wondering around in the woods. A harsh scolding and an enormous amount of rocks later, we got this far:
Lesson two: don't put the mega OCD person in charge of rock placement. It takes THIRTY minutes to make three rocks line up... 

Three Coors Lights later, we called it a night laughing about how we managed to find one rock shaped like Oklahoma, one like Montana (someone--not me-- might need to retake geography, just sayin!), our trusty Dora, and a half completed redneck rock garden. 

We had fun! I can only imagine how tomorrow evening will go! 

How was your Sunday? 
XOXO Summer

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