Living in America is supposed to be a privilege. People should be able to speak their mind, express themselves, and eat what ever dang cereal they want. And to the WANKER, IGNORANT, OBNOXIOUS racists out there, go eat a turd...
Cheerios has come out with a commercial that features a interracial family. A white mother, a black father, and a mixed daughter. WHO CARES? They are eating cereal for goodness sake!!! The little girl is worried about her daddy's cholesterol so she pours the cereal right over her daddy's heart. Swoon!
When I first saw the commercial, I was touched. It never occurred to me that the family was 'mixed' or whatever. Skin is just a color, people. GET. A. CLUE. I thought it was sweet that she was worried about her daddy! Then I just got hungry...and wanted cereal!
When I saw on the Today Show this morning that people have back lashed the commercial, I choked in surprise (I was eating...does this surprise you?!)
To the crap weasel of a woman who said this: "The mom in the commercial is a single mother in the making!"-- Get hit by a train. Twice. Thanks.
The moronic brainless person who said "it was disgusting and made me want to vomit". Please go ahead. And asphyxiate on it.
And lastly, to all of the close minded WORMS who brought up 'Nazis and racial genocide'-- You live in AMERICA. If you don't like what's on tv, go read a book. Perhaps the BIBLE! Just sayin. Some people just need a little more Jesus in their lives! (And cheerios!)
Go get it Cheerios!
Spread some CHEERios today,
XOXO Summer

Love this..and you :)