Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Chicken Gristle Road, TX

I was folding laundry today and somehow found myself reading the labels of some pants.  Did you know the Levi Strauss's headquarters is on Battery Street?  Isn't that a weird name?

I got curious, as ya'll know I often get...what other random street names exist in the good ol U. S. of A?.......

Cannibal Road in California

Peppermint Road (actually here in Sand Springs...Husby and I were actually looking at a house on that street, wouldn't that be FUN to live on a Peppermint Road?  It would be like living in Candy Land!  Except the house was a tad creepy and the neighbors had a dog the size of a horse.  And not a mini one...)  I digress.

Waterdragon Road in Hollywood!

Gungywamp in Connecticut...

Cow Shed Road in Oklahoma

Licking Hole in Virginia...gross....

Pooh Bear Drive in Missouri (LOVE it!)

Stuck Street in New York-- avoid that one in the winter!

Jesus Road and Demon Street in Pennsylvania (wouldn't that be awkward if they intersect?!)

And lastly, my favorite:
Funny Street Names and Addresses (35 pics)

Digestion Drive.  I definitely plan on finding where that street resides and opening a chili restaurant.  Immediately.

What crazy city streets are in your pants?  Or shirt?
XOXO Summer

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