Bee is doing SO good at her potty training. SO good in fact, I was super confident about taking her in the car and into the store sans pull up. Ya'll, she was SO excited! We pottied one last time before we left the house. I ran to check on napping brother (YES, Husby was home with him) while she was getting her shoes out of her room. Ya'll I'm going to stop you right there and say this. Just because a toddler is putting something ON, doesn't mean they won't take something off. Just sayin...
We head to Wal-Mart, I am beaming. My 'big girl' didn't pee herself in her car seat. We were so excited about how grown up she looked in her pretty dress and sandals. She even brought in her purse.
I went all through the store grabbing what I needed, not really paying attention to Bee...she always entertains herself.
We head down the baby aisle...Bubba needed shampoo...that's when IT happened. My grown-up, lady like, well behaved two year old stood up in the basket, lifted up her dress, and revealed to the entire Wal-Mart world what she was NOT WEARING. Oh, and she yelled WHEE as loud as she could. (Trust me, this girl echoes!)
Once I picked my jaw up off the grimy floor, I managed to shove her back in the basket and attempt to cover her 'parts' up. I am flustered, fumbling, and trying to think of some excuse to blurt to the hillbillies next to me... which they oddly don't seem to surprised that my daughter is not wearing anything... but a dress...and a purse. OH MY WORD.
Practically running to the checkout it hits me she must have taken off her panties in her bedroom when she was putting on her shoes. Sure enough, there they were, in a little her play kitchen sink. Remind me to never ask her to cook me anything....Bless her heart!
My grandmother always taught me there was a silver lining to everything. Reflecting on our afternoon, I can say this. 1.) Praise GOD she didn't poop at Wal-Mart! 2). I will always always always have an extra set of Dora undies in my purse. ALWAYS.

What item of clothing did you forget to wear to Wal-Mart?
XOXO Summer