Sunday, December 1, 2013

Wiggle Worm

Y'all know I love food. I never really turn my nose up to much. And when I see a sour neon wiggly gummy worm all self control flies out the window. 

Something about that tangy-ness yet sweet sugar crunching on my taste buds is so irresistible.  

I love my children but sharing gummy worms might kill me. You need a kidney? SURE! But Ima keep my wiggly sweet tarts. 

Sadly during both of my never ending pregnancies I craved gummy worms and sour patch kids. Bless Husby's heart he would scramble to the nearest Quick Trip for me. But did he ever get a sample? NOPE. Don't judge. I had his babies. They were both a month early and eight pounds. I was jabba the hut for TWO years. 

I digress. What makes your taste buds tingle?
XOXO Summer 

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