Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Snowed In

I have learned some things about myself in these past few snow days...we moved into a more 'rural' setting, thus making leaving our humble abode quite a challenge. The road into our cul de sac is.....a downward slope to put it mildly... 

So I spent the first three snow days holed up with two 'turtledoves'. Lord help me, there is not enough Pinterest posts or Cupcake wine to get me through another blizzard. 

 I love my children. But if Bee attempts to flush her brother down the potty again, she is going to learn early what an ultimate swirly is. 

 I thought laundry magically appeared on the floor and by the machine and everywhere but NOT where it was supposed to be (closet, drawers, etc.) I was wrong. I did 8 loads in one day....EIGHT LOADS and I still had laundry to do the next day! HOW is that possible? 

 Seeing as how all of the supermarkets ran out of staples like bread and milk, I took it upon myself to munch on the not so popular snacks. I felt an obligation. Hey, I eat a lot anyways. Now I'm stuck in a house with no other adults to monitor me? Yeah, I'm going to eat. And I ate. In fact, I ate an entire bag of mini marshmallows in one day. I know, it surprised me too! 

 Getting crafty and gutsy do NOT mix. I turned out several successful projects over the span of a few days. However my confidence grew at an alarming rate and was overestimated. Would you like an example? I knew you would. 

 I still had the ridiculous pumpkins by my door from Thanksgiving. Do not judge, I'm a working mother and I'm completely unorganized. I digress. 

 Not wanting to 'waste' the pumpkins (Husby convinced me that they were way past the point of using for pies or seeds...), I decided to paint the rounded gourds to look like Christmas ornaments.  

Yup. Sure did. And they look....well....they look like someone just painted pumpkins...not the cutes-y vision I had in my head. 

 It's a safe bet TPS knew I needed to get back into the working groove. Bestie Aide knew instantly when I picked up a pair scissors that were almost twice my cut string.

 How did you survive Blizzard 2013? XOXO Summer

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