Thursday, December 12, 2013

Facebook 5

I liked Becca's she gave me the number 5...5 things about myself. Ready, go! 

 1. I loved my short hair but I am trying to grow it out. I miss long hair so much I literally dream about straightening it and I wake up and then BAM, I have a mullet...  

2. You know when I'm really happy because I snaf. I snort when a I laugh. It's life changing. (And obnoxious...) 

 3. I love LOVE my job but I am not a patient person by any means. Teaching 4 and 5 year olds has definetely been an eye opening experience!

 4. Try as I might, I do NOT have a green thumb. I have even killed a cactus before. Don't ask me how, I still have no idea. 5. I have two children. Here's the crazy part. My due date with my oldest was 10/10. But I had her 4 weeks early on 9/21. With my yougest my due date was 9/9. I also had him 4 weeks early on 8/21. So they are literally 11 months apart. And the same size... 

 What have you learned? 
XOXO Summer

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