Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thrifty Thursday

So Bestie K and Bestie Red and I were poking around Sams Club today. Here's a brief synopsis of our adventures. 

What you can't clearly see is this lady's hair matches her bright OSU orange handbag. 

Purple perfection! Hair matches flattering shirt. I cannot contain my excitement. 

On a side note, people always ask me how I manage to creep on people unsuspected. Here's an unedited shot. Don't judge me by my double chin. 

I sampled EVERYTHING. 

And I compared pineapple sizes. 

After our lovely 46 minute wait on the pharmacy.... And I had sampled every sample....twice.... We headed to Subway to gear up for Back to SchoolNight. 

How did you survive your Thursday? 
XOXO Summer


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