1. My sunglasses broke. This tragedy is doubly sad due to the fact that I have had them longer than 6 months. It's a miracle. And now I have to find another pair to fit my awkwardly round head. Sigh.
2. As I was dropping Bee and Turtle off at the sitter's this morning, Bee literally projectile vomited allllllll over me. Here's a fun fact. Not only did it make it on my face, shirt, and hair, but I failed to pack an extra shirt. Which clearly is something I should have been doing. Fail.
3. Eating lunch today was not a challenge. Keeping it down, however, was a different situation. I was sitting next to a friend who vividly explained to me why his 'Gramma' had no teeth and how she ate. And every time I moved my head all I could smell was Bee's barf. GAG.
4. I realized on the way home from school that we need a new humidifier for Turtle. I accidentally broke his last night trying to refill it. It's not my fault I have T-Rex arms!!!
5. I looked at myself in the mirror upon walking through the door about seven minutes ago. And I wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry?! My attempt at new blue eye makeup has melted into suspicious looking under eye black eye circles. Fail. And my attempt at a hair style flew out the window at some point. I look like a balding man trying a comb over for the first time ever. Ugh.
Cheers to Monday. Whatever.
XOXO Summer
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