Saturday, July 28, 2012

What I'm reading now!

There are virtually thousands of books in the world about being pregnant and child birth, but who reads the 'after books'?  I didn't!  But I read this woman's article in the Wall St. Journal about French parenting.  The title threw me off (Why French Parents are Superior-- whoa lady, really?!) but reading the article was so intriguing, I bought her book as soon as I could!  It.  Is.  Fascinating!  I love it! 

I am only on the first two chapters (just started today) but her theory is that parenting is not hard, and parents shouldn't 'helicopter' over their children.  Be a proactive parent but don't hover over them, helping them with every move.  It makes sense. 

Here is the link to her article:

Here is what her book looks like (since it just came out, it's only available in hardback for a while. But still worth the price--check it out on!)

Well, we had a BIG day in Sand Springs at our friend's birthday party, this mama is pooped. 
Night ya'll and happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. I am definitely going to read that before I have kids!! Thanks for the tip!
