Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Vacation is over!

     I have been contemplating keeping up with my blog and adding things to make my life seem..more interesting! HA!  So I am going to make a conscious effort to blog every week about something.  Here is what I have come up with:
   Monday:  Pin-interesting!  (I love Pinterest, I will give feedback on something new I have attempted from the site.)
   Tuesday:  Love to Pieces (something I love and I feel everyone must have!)
   Wednesday:  Weight Watchers update (I will be doing this to help myself stay on track and to provide ideas and support for others.)  I obviously can't do a whole lot until my baby boy is born in a few weeks...but I will try!
   Thursday: Food for Thought/Funny Bones (because life is boring without laughter or inspiration)
   Friday:  Something school related ?!  I won't be back in the classroom for a while due to Maternity Leave...but I still have good ideas!

    I have so much on my plate right now, I hope I can keep up.  But I am looking forward to writing again and really putting myself out there.  Now if I can only keep  my sanity while waddling around, trying to deter the choas and calamity that is my house (a 10 month old; a husband; excessive Oklahoma summer heat; and swollen, unhappy feet!) 

(Sigh, the living room WAS clean...)

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