Thursday, July 26, 2012

First Grade Funny...

I will never forget Emilio.  He was one of my favorite kiddos in my first year of teaching.  He was so hyper and full of energy.  Back then, I would have said he was a 'handful'.  The best part about him was you never knew what was going to come out of his mouth...

One day during math centers, a friend accused him of cheating at a game.  I asked him if he was.  He said no.  I gave him my 'best teacher look' and asked him if he was lying.  Honest to Moses, he looked right at me and said, "No ma'am.  I only lie at home."  Priceless.

For all you teachers out there, you know those stinker kids keep us on our toes. Here's a 'funny' to top it off:

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